If the phone finds multiple voice tags that sound like the name you said, the phone lists the names and asks you to verify which name you want to call. Say “Yes” when you hear the correct name. Say “No” when you hear an incorrect name.
3.Press the End to end the call.
Call using digit dial
When using digit dialing, you speak digits to dial a phone number.
Note: You cannot speak a string of digits. You must speak one digit at a time and wait for the prompt.
1.From the home screen, press the Call key. The phone prompts, “Say a name or say dial”.
2.Say “Dial”. The phone responds “Speak a digit”.
3.Speak the first digit of the phone number you want to call. Once the phone repeats the digit, you can speak the next digit.
If you pause, the phone prompts you with one of the following options. After the prompt, speak an option:
–Say “Clear” to erase the last digit entered. The phone responds: “Digit cleared.” To clear the entire phone number, say “Clear” again. When the phone prompts you with “Clear entire phone number?”, say “Yes” to clear or “No” to cancel.
–Say “Call” to dial the number.
–Say “Verify” to cause phone to repeat the set of digits you input.
–Say “Cancel” to exit voice recognizer and return to the home screen.
–Speak a digit to enter the next digit. Once the phone repeats the digit, you can speak the next digit or pause to hear the prompt.
4.Press the End key to end the call.
Voice command settings
To customize the voice commands, see “Voice features” on page 46.
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