Getting Started
Before you begin
2.Check and make sure you meet the system requirement below.
•You must have a personal computer with the following applications and hardware:
•Microsoft® Internet ExplorerTM 5.5 or higher for Windows; or Microsoft® Internet ExplorerTM 5.x or Apple® SafariTM 1.0 for Mac® OS 9 or higher
•DSL or
•Ethernet port on modem;
3.During installation you may be required to enter a username and password if you are a DSL user who is required to enter a user name and password (PPPoE) to access the Internet, and you may be required to enter a specific IP addresses if you have a static IP address. Before you begin, be sure to contact your Internet Service Provider to obtain this information.
4.Check for package contents (see page 3 for a complete list) then follow the
Note: you may download the latest copy of the IP8100 series telephone User Manual by accessing the Customer Support tab on www.vtechcanada.com.
Getting Started