Overall Learning
Accurately count a set of 1 – 10 objects.
Recognise numerals 1 – 10 and know what they represent.
Match a numeral to the correct set of items.
Level 1
Learning Objectives:
Understand that, in counting, we give one number name only in
Move towards understanding that the last number counted in a set gives the total for that set.
What happens?
A water tray appears on the screen and a number of boats appear below it.
Children are asked to put a given number of boats into the water tray.
As each of the boats is placed in the water tray, Tizzy counts them, stopping automatically when the required total is reached.
Children must place boats into two water trays to complete one turn.
Level 2
Learning Objectives:
Reliably count a set of objects independently.
Find the correct set for a given number name.
Model the correct numeral to match total of a set.
What happens?
Two water trays with a different number of boats in each appear on the screen.
Children are asked to click on the tray that has a given number of boats.
Children must select three trays of boats correctly to complete one turn.
Level 3
Learning Objectives:
Reliably count a set of objects independently.
Recognise and use numerals 1 – 10 (dependent on selected number range).
Match a numeral to the correct set of items.
What happens?
Two water trays with a different number of boats in each appear on the screen. A numeral, which represents the total of one of the two water trays, appears on the screen.
Children are asked to click on the tray that contains the same number of boats as the given numeral. The numeral is not narrated.
Children must select three sets of boats correctly to complete
one turn. | 19 |