1.The Queen can move to any square along the same row, col- umn, or diaganols on which it stands, but cannot pass over an enemy piece.
2.The Rook can move to any square along the same row or column on which it stands, but cannot pass over an enemy piece. See also Castling (on next page.)
3.The Bishop can move to any square along the diaganols on which it stands, but cannot pass over an enemy piece.
4.The Knight move is in the shape of an “L”, moving two squares up or down, and then one square over. Or it can be one square up or down, and then two over.
5.The Pawn can move one square forward. On it’s first move it may move two squares forward. When capturing, it moves diaganolly (forward) one square. See also en passent (below.)
6.The King can move one square in any direction, as long as it is not attacked by an enemy piece. See also Castling (below)
Special Moves
1. Castling is a move of both the King and either Rook which counts as a single move (of the King) and is executed as dia- grammed below:
Castling cannot occur if: a) the King has already been
b) the Rook has already been moved.
c) there is any piece between the King and the Rook.
d) the King’s original square, or the square which the King must cross, or the one which it is to occupy is attacked by an enemy piece.
2. A Pawn may make an en passent capture if it is a reply move to a double pawn move, and it is a Pawn which is side-
next column:
3. A Pawn can be promoted if it advances all the way to the far side of the board. It is immedi- ately promoted, as part of the same move, into a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight, whichever its owner chooses.
Since a Queen is the most powerful piece, it is nearly always chosen as the promotion piece. Through the promotion process, there may be more than
one Queen on the board at the same time.
AC Operation
We recommend using a DC adapter with a voltage between