Excalibur electronic manual Moving Ivan II’s Piece, Putting a game On hold, Special Situations

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of communicating your

move as a two step process–reg-

istering the FROM square and

then registering the TO square.

Lift the piece or pawn you

want to move. Press the edge of

the piece’s base down gently on

the center of its FROM


Ivan will say and display the

coordinates of the FROM square-

for example “E2.”


Then press the edge of the

piece down gently on the square

you want to move it to–for

example, “E4.” Ivan will say

the TO


confirming that

he has registered your move. Place the piece gently on its new square. (Some players like to push the squares with their fore- finger while holding the piece in the rest of the fingers of the same hand.)

Moving Ivan II’s


You'll notice that Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set almost immediately displays his

re-sponse to your move. Ivan decides on his own move, of course, and lets you know what it is on the display below the LCD board. For example, if you play 1. E2-E4, he may respond E7-E5. But you need to move the piece on the board for him. Follow the same two step proce- dure you did while registering your own move-gently pushing

on the and squares. You're alreadyFROM playingTO a game! Enjoy the contest.

Putting a game

“on hold”

Any time it's your move and you wish to stop playing for a while, just press the / key. Ivan II, the ConquerorOFF SAVE Talking Chess Set will switch off and go into a sleep mode. He will remember the last position, including the elapsed time, as long as you do not interrupt the power supply-for example, by removing the batteries. To resume play, just press the


Special Situations

Starting Play with

the Black Pieces

When you want to play the

Black pieces (to let Ivan II, the

Conqueror Talking

Chess Set

move first) press the

MOVE key

before you make your first move

as White. You’ll see the White

and Black pieces switch places

immediately! If you're using the

playing board with the plastic

pieces, set the Black pieces up at

your end, close to the LCD.




Remember, you must always

move the King first when

castling! First press your king

down on its FROM

square (if


E1). Then move and

press your king down on its TO


(if castling


G1). Ivan II, the Conqueror


Chess Set




after the

king is moved two squares. He then reminds you to complete castling by moving the rook. Move the rook in the routine manner, pushing on its


Promoting Pawns When your pawn reaches the

other end of the board, Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set will automatically promote the pawn to a queen, since this is the best choice in nearly every case. In the unlikely event you want to promote your pawn to a piece other than a queen, take- back Ivan II’s move, next use

Ivan II's feature, then

press SET. WhenUP Ivan II, the ConquerorMOVE Talking Chess Set pushes a pawn to your back row, it will always promote to a queen. Remember to change the piece on the board after either side promotes a pawn.

En Passant – taking a

pawn in passing For an en passant capture,

press the and squares of the capturingFROM pawnTO . The square of the pawn being cap- tured will then appear on the display. This is to remind you to remove the captured pawn. You must press down on the captured pawn before removing it from


and TO squares normally. FROM

the board.



Image 6
Contents Users Guide for Ivan Table of Contents Installing the BatteriesFunctions Keys and Special Features Layout of Ivan II, Conqueror Talking Chess SetRplay Touch Are YOU SURE?Making your move Use this option to turn theSNDEFsound effects offDuring the game, Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set Putting a game On hold Promoting Pawns When your pawn reachesMoving Ivan II’s Piece Special SituationsLevels of Play Book Opening TrainerPiece Training Entering Your Own OpeningSetting Up Special Positions Using Setup ModeRemoving a Piece Press the Setup key. Then on RatingsChess Remarks about Ivan II, Conqueror Talking Chess SetGeneral Rules Individual MovesCastling cannot occur if a the King has already been Special MovesAC Operation Optional One Queen on the board at the same timeBattery Information Special Care & HandlingCompartimiento marcado BAT Empezará a hablar, haciéndole Instale las BateríasSe encenderá automáticamente y Saber que ya está lista para laDisposición del Iván Funciones del Teclado y Opciones EspecialesHint 1PLAYR Jugador OplayerSEGURO? YOU SURE? ¿ESTÁ SE Su jugada Empezando con IvánEfectuando Jugando la Pieza De IvánNiveles de Juego En Passant- tomando un Peón pasandoOprima la tecla de flecha Tipo de Nivel Muerte Subita Entrenador de Aperturas por El LibroTipo de Nivel Tiempo Ajustado Tipo de Nivel de TorneoApertura Entrenamiento en PiezasIngresando en su Propia Posiciones de Mini-juegosPosiciones de práctica de Mate ClasificacionesUsando la función De Alistar Removiendo una PiezaUna Pieza Observaciones Acerca de IvanAgregando o Cambiando EspecialesJugadas Reglas GeneralesDel Ajedrez IndividualesCuidado Especial Información sobre BateríasPhone FAX EL Teléfono FAX DE