Excalibur electronic Ivan II Making your move, Use this option to turn theSNDEFsound effects off

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Find the Pieces
Turn Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set over carefully with his chessboard facedown. Find the door marked “
”. OpenPIECEit andCOMPARTMENTremove theDOORchess pieces. Replace the door and set the pieces aside for now.
Play a Game
Right Away
After you have installed the batteries, the display will show the chess board with all the pieces on their starting squares. Place the plastic chess pieces on their start squares using the LCD screen as a guide. The dot- matrix display will show 01CHESS. This indicates you are at the first move of the game


: Use this option to turn theSNDEFsound effects off.

: Use this option to turn theANNCmove announcements off.

: Turn this option on to hearCOACHa warning message if one of your pieces is under attack. The threat warning ‘!’ will be

enabled. when COACH option is

Setting it to ‘0’ will disable scrolling altogether.

Special Displays

Draw Messages:

During the game, Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set

will display the word if a three-time repetition ofDRAWposition occurs, or if there has been no

are in check. When an ‘O’ appears on the screen, the game you are playing can be rated. When an ‘=’ appears, it indi- cates you are in two human player mode. When an ‘#’ appears, it indicates you are in zero human player mode. And lastly when an ‘!’ appears on the


screen, you are being warned that one of your pieces is threat- ened with capture. (This is simi- lar to the friendly “en garde” warning sometimes used by human players when they are attacking an opponent’s queen.)


: Use this option to turn theSOUNDsound ON or OFF.

: Adjust the automatic shutSLEEPoff time with this option. Setting it to ‘0’ will disable auto shut-off altogether.

: Use this option to play withoutTOUCHthe plastic pieces, view- ing only the display. When you play with this option , the dis- play will show youONIvan II's

move, signaling the and squares several FROMtimes to makeTO it clear, but you will not have to register his move. In this mode, the large playing board acts as a touch screen so that you can input your moves by

pressing and squares with yourFROMfinger. TO

: Adjust the dot-matrix scrollSPEEDspeed with this option.

pawn moved and no exchanges for 50 moves. When either of these situation takes place, the rules of chess state that a player can claim a draw. If you wish, you can ignore the message and continue the game. When a stalemate is reached, the display

will read STALE STALE.

Game-ending Messages:

Ivan II, the Conqueror Talk- ing Chess Set will announce mate in two (MATE2) and mate in three (MATE3). It will also display +MATE when executing a checkmate or when you check- mate IVAN. When you want to claim a win, draw, or want to resign—press the


Screen Symbols:

When a ‘+’ appears on the 8 screen, it is a reminder that you

Getting Started with Ivan II

and ready to play chess.

Unless you instruct it other- wise, Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set gives you the White pieces—the ones at the bottom of the board. White always moves first. You’re ready to play!

Making your move

Besides deciding on a good move, you have to move the piece in a way that Ivan will rec-


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Contents Users Guide for Ivan Installing the Batteries Table of ContentsRplay Functions Keys and Special FeaturesLayout of Ivan II, Conqueror Talking Chess Set Are YOU SURE? TouchDuring the game, Ivan II, the Conqueror Talking Chess Set Making your moveUse this option to turn theSNDEFsound effects off Moving Ivan II’s Piece Promoting Pawns When your pawn reachesPutting a game On hold Special SituationsBook Opening Trainer Levels of PlayEntering Your Own Opening Piece TrainingRemoving a Piece Press the Setup key. Then on Using Setup ModeSetting Up Special Positions RatingsGeneral Rules Remarks about Ivan II, Conqueror Talking Chess SetChess Individual MovesAC Operation Optional Special MovesCastling cannot occur if a the King has already been One Queen on the board at the same timeSpecial Care & Handling Battery InformationSe encenderá automáticamente y Instale las BateríasCompartimiento marcado BAT Empezará a hablar, haciéndole Saber que ya está lista para laHint Disposición del IvánFunciones del Teclado y Opciones Especiales SEGURO? 1PLAYR JugadorOplayer YOU SURE? ¿ESTÁ SE Efectuando Empezando con IvánSu jugada Jugando la Pieza De IvánOprima la tecla de flecha Niveles de JuegoEn Passant- tomando un Peón pasando Tipo de Nivel Tiempo Ajustado Entrenador de Aperturas por El LibroTipo de Nivel Muerte Subita Tipo de Nivel de TorneoIngresando en su Propia Entrenamiento en PiezasApertura Posiciones de Mini-juegosUsando la función De Alistar ClasificacionesPosiciones de práctica de Mate Removiendo una PiezaAgregando o Cambiando Observaciones Acerca de IvanUna Pieza EspecialesDel Ajedrez Reglas GeneralesJugadas IndividualesInformación sobre Baterías Cuidado EspecialPhone FAX EL Teléfono FAX DE