2)Hold [MODE] or [SELECT] - a single button press and hold of either [MODE] or [SELECT] for 2 sec. Used for initiating a new Interval.
3)Press [MODE] and [SELECT] - simultaneously press and release of both [MODE] and [SELECT].
4)Hold [MODE] and [SELECT] - simultaneously press and hold both [MODE] and [SELECT] for 2 sec. NOTE: Continuing to hold longer than 2 sec. and releasing will clear all data.
5)Extended Hold [MODE] and [SELECT] - simultaneously press and hold of both [MODE] and [SELECT] for greater than 5 sec. Used for initiating scrolling menu.
Find: If [MODE] and [SELECT] are released
When “Find” is displayed the computer will find
Search for the PowerTap hub.
clr: If [MODE] and [SELECT] are released when
clr is displayed ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED .
SEt: If [MODE] and [SELECT] are released
When SEt is displayed on the top level of the
Screen, a flashing “E”, d and t on the middle
Level and 12345 on the bottom level.
E = exit, return to ride mode d = restore default settings T = test mode
1 2 3 4 = setup menus
The computer and hub have power saving features to prolong battery life. The computer powers down the display after four (4) minutes of inactivity. Press either [MODE] or [SELECT] to activate the display. Similarly, the hub powers down after five (5) minutes of inactivity. The transmission icon will not be visible when the hub is asleep. To wake the hub spin the wheel and verify the transmission icon is illuminated.