Help function is there to guide you in using Gamma 300. For further information on the basic functions of Gamma 300, start your exercise by pressing the Help function key for a tutorial. You can also access the tutorial later by pressing the Help key for 3 seconds. Help will also give you information about different displays. Press Help to view a Help text and then press the key again to return to the normal display. If there is more information than can be shown on one page, the help card informs you and you can use the left/right setting keys to scroll through. Gamma
300 displays four types of card:
1.Tutorial cards offer information on basic Gamma 300 functions. Look for the smiling face icon.
2.Help cards offer information on the display you are currently using. Look for the question mark.
3.Warning cards draw your attention to problems with the equipment or how it is being used. Look for the exclamation mark.
NOTE! Gamma 300 has an automatic internal
4.Info cards offer information to help you use Gamma 300 correctly. Look for the bolded letter i.
Press function key Help again to clear all cards from the display.
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User function helps you save your personal data so that e.g. T.I.E. can design personal exercise programs with you. To utilise user data later on, you are given a user code that can also be password protected: Gamma 300 has memory positions for eight user codes.
User code and user interface language
1.Press the User function key.
2.Select a memory position for the user code:
:: Press operation key New User.
:: If all the memory positions are already in use, you can introduce a new user code only by deleting an existing code. Use the setting keys to move the cursor bar over the user code to be replaced and press operation key Replace.
NOTE! You can only change a
3.Move to the user code
it and change it in the same way it was set. A user code can be from
::The active language can be selected separately for each user code. If Gamma 300 is not yet set to your language, press the upper active operation key until the language you want appears
::Press OK to confirm your choices: user code and preferred language.
4.To select a
The password allows you to prevent others using your user code.
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