Warm Up Exercises
WARNING! Before beginning this or any exercise program, you should consult your physician. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or individuals with
health problems.
Calf Stretch
Face a solid structure such as a wall with your left foot ahead of your right, toes straight ahead. Bend your left knee, press your hips forward, and lean into the wall. Keep both heels down, your right leg straight, and you left knee over your ankle. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each leg.
Standing Quadriceps Stretch Steady yourself with one hand. With the other, grab outside leg at ankle, keeping body straight from knee to hip. Gently pull foot up and towards the but- tocks until you feel a stretch along the front of the thigh. Thigh should be pulled straight back and not drift to outside. Hold
Achilles Stretch
Face the wall with your left foot ahead of your right, toes straight ahead. Bend both knees, press your hips forward, and lean into the wall. Keep both heels down and both knees in line with your feet. Hold for 20 seconds; repeat three to five times with each leg.