Simplified Operating Instructions & Program Selections
Selecting a Lifestride workout program is easy. Six computerized
aerobic workout programs are available on your Lifestride trainer:
1.Hill Profile
4.Quick Start
5.Heart Rate
6.Fit Test
o To begin, press the START key.
oThe message center willask your weight; enter your current weight using the... T keys, then press the ENTER key.
oThe message center willask you to select a program using the ...
T keys. Pressing the... T keys will prompt through the six exercise programs: Hill PROFilE, RANDOM, MANUAL, QUICK
select a program:
RANDOM - different incline levels which vary randomly with each exercise session.
HEART RATE - automatically maintains your target heart rate by
altering the incline at a given speed.
o Upon selecting a Hill Profile workout, you will be requested to enter
your desired workout time. Enter either 1 through 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,
24, 36, 48, or 60 minutes using the... T keys, then press the ENTER key.
o After selecting a workout duration, you will be requested to select an incline level. Select an incline level from 1 to J 2 using the... T
keys then press ENTER. You will then be requested to select a belt
speed from 0.5 to 11.0 m.p.h. using the... T keys.
(CAUTION: The belt will begin traveling at 0.5 m.p.h. while you are selecting your speed.)
oAfter you've selected a belt speed, press the ENTER key.
NOTE: You may change the level of intensity at any time
during an exercise program by pressing the... T keys.
The Lifestride trainer's patented Hill Profile program offers the ideal configuration for interval training: periods of
program is available invarious time durations. You can select 1 through
6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 36, 48, or 60 minute programs. Each program is composed of four stages: (1)
The Lifestride treadmill is unique in the fitness industry. Its patented,
computerized interval training program has been scientifically
demonstrated to yield more statistically significant cardiorespiratory improvement than
Plateau Period: Increases heart rate so that it is within your THRR. Take your pulse (heart rate check) at the end of the plateau period to ensure that you have entered your THRR.
Interval Training Period: Comprises periods of higher and lower intensity levels. During this period, you are confronted with four progressively higher incline levels. Each is separated from the next by a recovery period. Take your pulse at the end of the interval training period to ensure that you have stayed within your THRR.