i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m |
Chapter 5:
•The site survey tool
•The system configuration tools
•Backup/restore features
•Firmware upgrade steps
•Using the License Key feature for bandwidth upgrade on the unit.
The abbreviations and acronyms used in this user guide are explained in the Appendix.
Related Publications
In addition to this user guide, the following related publications provide complete information on the TOTAL series (airHaul™, airPoint™ and airClient™) of radio units:
•Quick Install Guide (QIG)
•Release Notes
•Technical Specification
All the information can also be found on our website at http://www.smartbridges.com/.
Technical Support Center
Comprehensive technical support by dedicated smartBridges engineers is available to all customers through the smartBridges support center website. The website provides updated tools and documents to help troubleshoot and resolve technical issues related to smartBridges products and technologies. To access the technical support resources, please visit the support center website at http://www.smartbridges.com/support/
For additional services and free downloads, you would need to register on the smartBridges support center website.
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