i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m |
Congratulations on your purchase of sB product
Your airClient™ TOTAL 241 unit is designed so that you can set it up easily and be on your way to get unwired.
Important: Read all user instructions carefully before you use your device.
About This Document
This user guide is for the networking professional who installs, configures and manages the smartBridges’ airClient™ TOTAL 241 series. Unless specifically stated, the configurations mentioned in the user guide are applicable to all the models of sB3415
It provides detailed information on using the
To configure smartBridges’ products, you need to have fundamental understanding of the concepts and technology of Local Area Networks (LAN) and wireless networking. The system installer will require expertise in the following areas:
•Outdoor radio equipment installation
•Network configuration
•Use of web browser for system configuration, monitoring and fault finding
In this chapter, you will find an overview of the user guide, and where to obtain additional information regarding installation and
Overview of User Guide
This document provides comprehensive information about the application needed to set up, configure and deploy the airClient TOTAL sB3415 unit. It is organized into several chapters:
Chapter 1:
•Configuration features
•System requirements
Chapter 2:
•Deploying the airClient TOTAL 241 in Router or NAT or Bridge
•Modify of various configuration settings
Chapter 3:
•Process of configuration on the radio performance parameters
•Bandwidth Controller.
Chapter 4:
•Display of the wireless traffic statistics.
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