The walking belt is
key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. If the walking belt has shifted to the left, use the hex key to turn the left idler roller bolt clockwise 1/2 of a turn; if the walking belt has shifted to the right, turn the bolt counterclockwise 1/2 of a turn. Be careful not to overtighten the walking belt. Then, plug in the power cord, insert the key, and run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the walk- ing belt is centered.
b. If the walking belt slips when walked on, first re- move the key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Using the hex key, turn both idler roller bolts clock- wise, 1/4 of a turn. When the walking belt is cor- rectly tightened, you should be able to lift each edge of the walking belt 2 to 3 in. (5 to 7 cm) off the walking platform. Be careful to keep the walk- ing belt centered. Then, plug in the power cord, in- sert the key, and carefully walk on the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the walking belt is properly tightened.
a |
b |