Pulse |
Sensor |
Key | Clip |
The treadmill console offers a selection of features designed to make your workouts more effective. During each workout, you can change the speed and incline of the treadmill with the touch of a button. As you exercise, the console will display continuous exer- cise feedback. You can even measure your heart rate using the
MyCalories™ Personal Calorie Programming
The center display of the console will show the approxi- mate number of calories you have burned. If desired, you can program a calorie goal before each workout, and the console will count down the calories until you reach your goal.
Note: If there is a sheet of clear plastic on the con- sole, peel off the plastic. To prevent damage to the walking platform, always wear clean shoes while using the treadmill. The first time you use the tread- mill, periodically inspect the alignment of the walk- ing belt, and center the walking belt if necessary (see page 18).
Plug in the power cord (see page 10). Next, locate the
reset/off circuit breaker on Reset
the treadmill frame near the power cord. Make sure that
the circuit breaker is in the “reset” position.
Next, stand on the foot rails of the treadmill. Locate the clip attached to the key (see the drawing above), and slide the clip securely onto the waistband of your clothes. Then, insert the key into the console. After a moment, the displays will light. Important: In an emer- gency situation, the key can be pulled from the console, causing the walking belt to slow to a stop. Test the clip by carefully taking a few steps back- ward; if the key is not pulled from the console, ad- just the position of the clip.