Setting the elevation unit
The Elev setting defines the unit in which the elevation is displayed. The options are meters (m) and feet (ft).
To change the elevation unit:
1. In the Set menu, scroll to Units and short press Enter. The Units menu is displayed.
2. Scroll to Elev and short press Enter. The elevation unit field is activated.
3.Select the correct unit with the arrow buttons and short press Enter. The elevation unit is now set.
NOTE: Elevation is displayed only in position display as GPS elevation.
Setting the distance unit
The Dist setting defines the unit in which the distance is displayed. The units are kilometers (km), miles (mi) and nauti- cal miles (nm). The short distance units are meters (m), feet (ft) and yards (yd); set separately using the Suunto Sail Man- ager software.
To change the distance unit:
1.In the Set menu, scroll to Units and short press Enter. The Units menu is displayed.
2.Scroll to Dist and press Enter. The distance unit selection is activated.
3.Select the distance unit with the arrow buttons and short press Enter. The distance unit is now set.
Setting the speed unit
The Speed setting defines the unit in which the speed is displayed. The options are kilometers per hour (km/h), miles per hour (mph), knots (kt) and meters per second (m/s).
To change the speed unit:
1. In the Set menu, scroll to Units and short press Enter. The Units menu is displayed.
2.Scroll to Speed and short press Enter. The speed unit field is activated.