Distance: The third row displays the distance from the previ- ous waypoint. When the active waypoint is displayed the unit displays distance from the current location.
Bearing (bea): The
Estimated time enroute (ete): Displays the ETE to the active waypoint at current speed.
The summary contains the following information:
Route: The first row displays the name of the route.
Length of the route: The second row displays the length of the route from the first waypoint to the last in nautical miles.
Number of waypoints: The third row displays the total number of waypoints on the route.
NOTE: When the GPS is on, the unit displays active waypoint when entering information display. If GPS is off, route summary is displayed.
3.6.2 Function Menu
For more information on the Function menu, see section 3.8 Function Menu.
3.6.3 Navigate
The Navigate function starts the navigation and lets you choose the preferred way of navigating through a route or to a single waypoint.
To start Navigation:
In the Set menu, Navigate is already the first menu item. Short press Enter to select it. Now you can choose one of the four options marked by symbols next to the Navigate item by short pressing Enter: