INDEX (continued)
Paddles, removing | 21 |
Permanent press items | 6 |
Pin trap, cleaning | 21 |
Poison hotline | 2 |
Polyester blends | 9 |
Powder detergents | 8 |
Power button |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 12 |
W6761 | 15 |
Preparing the laundry | 6 |
Preset Programs (W6761) | 16 |
Preset programs (W6761) |
restoring | 19 |
Problems (e.g., stains, etc.) | 22, 23 |
Program buttons (W6761) | 16 |
Program changes, temporary (W6761) | 16 |
Program knob |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 12 |
Program menu (W6761) | 18 |
Programming |
Celsius or Fahrenheit (W6441) | 14 |
Celsius or Farenheit (W6761) | 19 |
14 | |
20 | |
Language | 19 |
Menus | 18 |
Programming instructions (W6761) | 18 |
Programs | 10, 13 |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 13 |
W6761 | 16 |
Rayon and acetate | 9 |
Recommended detergents | 8 |
Recommended wash temps | 9 |
Remaining time indication |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 12 |
W6761 | 15 |
Restoring preset programs (W6761) | 19 |
Rinse cycles | 3 |
Rips | 23 |
Safety instructions | 2 |
Sensitive skin, advice | 6 |
Sensor Level Control | 3 |
Serial number location | 23 |
Service | 25 |
Shipping supports | 4 |
Shrinkage | 22 |
Silk | 9 |
Snags | 23 |
Solutions to problems | 23 |
Sorting the laundry | 6 |
Specifications | 4 |
Spin options | 3, 9 |
Spin speed (W6761), temporarily changing | 16 |
Spin Speed button (W6441) | 13 |
Spin Speed menu (W6761) | 19 |
Spray cleaner warning | 21 |
Stacked installation | 5 |
Stains | 22 |
Start/Stop button | 10, 12, 15 |
Super Rinse button |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 13 |
Super Rinse | 3 |
Super Rinse option (W6761) | 17 |
Temperature |
changing readout (W6441) | 14 |
changing readout (W6761) | 19 |
control | 3 |
menu (W6761) | 18 |
settings (W6761) | 16 |
Temperature button (W6441) | 13 |
Temperature stop error | 20 |
Temporary program changes |
(W6761) | 16 |
Thermistor error | 20 |
Troubleshooting | 23 |
Type plate location on unit | 23 |
Vibration, extreme | 24 |
Warranty information | 25 |
Wash motor error | 20 |
Wash programs | 9 |
options (W6761) | 18 |
W6021 | 10 |
W6441 | 13 |
W6761 | 16 |
Wash temperature control | 3 |
Wash temperatures | 9 |
Washer features | 3 |
Washing special items | 22, 23 |
Water |
hardness | 9 |
inlet error | 20 |
leak | 24 |
level control | 3 |
outlet error | 20 |
supply connection | 4 |
Wear | 23 |
Wool and wool blends | 9 |
Wrinkling | 23 |
Yellowing | 22 |
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