5.Device demands more than 200 Watts continuous power.
Cycle inverter power OFF and ON.
If problem persists, use a larger inverter or a smaller device.
6.Inverter is too hot.
Increase ventilation to inverter. Move inverter to a cooler area.
Reduce the power consumption of the device.
PROBLEM: Inverter Does Not Turn On
1.Poor contact at terminals.
Unplug and reinsert
2.Fuse is blown.
A blown fuse is usually caused by reverse polarity or a short circuit within the inverter. To replace, contact a qualified service technician who will diagnose the inverter and replace the fuse with the appropriate replacement.
3.Inverter may be defective.
See warranty and call Customer Service
(Hours: 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CST).
4.Power consumed by load may be too high.