Starting Up
5. When Shutting off the Sprayer
a. Whenever you stop spraying, even for a short break, follow the "Pressure Relief Procedure".
b. Clean the tip & gun as recommended in the seperate Gun Manual supplied with the gun/
c. Flush the sprayer at the end of each work day, if the material you are spraying is
d. For long term shutdown or storage, refer to the "Flushing" section of this manual.
Be sure to relieve pressure in
the pump after filling with Airlessco
Pump Conditioner.
Avoiding Tip Clogs
There is an easy way to keep the outside of the tip clean from material build up:
Every time you stop spraying, for even a minute, lock the gun and submerge it into a small bucket of thinner suitable for the material sprayed.
Thinner will dissolve the buildup of paint on the outside of tip, tip guard and gun much more effectively if the paint doesn't have time to dry out completely.