their low heat conductivity.
12.The probes are not insulated from their external casing. Be very careful not to come into contact with live parts (above 48V) as this could be dangerous not only for the instrument but also for the operator, who could suffer an electric shock.
13.Avoid taking measurements in the presence of high frequency sources, microwaves or large magnetic fields, as the results would not be very reliable
14.Always clean the probes carefully after use.
15.After taking a pressure measurement, clean the probe pressure chamber accurately; do not let the fluid that comes in contact with the membrane leave any deposits or scale, with time these could cause errors in measurement.
16.Avoid inserting sharp points or nails in the pressure chamber; a sudden blow could accidentally break the membrane.
17.To secure the probes use a suitably sized spanner and, if necessary, sealing gaskets.
18.Great care must be taken when installing probes in pressurised containers or in pipes. Take care when choosing the full scale range of the probes. Apart from cau- sing irreparable damage to the probe, an error could cause quite serious physical harm to the operator and to objects in the vicinity. There should always be a stop key upstream from the probe. Ensure that there are no abnormal and sudden variations in the fluid under pressure.
19.The instrument is resistant to water but it is not watertight and should not therefore be immer- sed in water. If it should fall into the water, take it out immediately and check that no water has infiltrated. The instrument must be handled in such a way that water cannot get in through the connector side.
Err | On the upper display indicates: |
| * Error in reading the signal present at input A or B or |
| * Error when, with |
| are not of the same type. |
FUL | Memory full. |
LOU | When switching on this indicates that the instrument has switched off because the bat- |
| tery voltage was too low when it was in storage or serial output status. Change the bat- |
| tery even if there are no low battery signals. |