NOTE: The NIC Selection option is available only on 11G systems and earlier.
•Primary and Failover Network options
For 12G systems, the Primary Network options for Remote Management (iDRAC7) NIC are: LOM1, LOM2, LOM3,
LOM4, and Dedicated. The Failover Network options are: LOM1, LOM2, LOM3, LOM4, All LOMs, and None. The dedicated option is available when the iDRAC7 Enterprise License is present and valid.
NOTE: The number of LOMs varies based on the system or hardware configuration.
•Enable IPMI Over LAN
•IP Address Source
•IP Address
•Subnet Mask
•Gateway Address
•Channel Privilege Level Limit
•New Encryption Key (This option is available on Dell PowerEdge 9G systems).
5.Configure the following optional VLAN configuration details:
NOTE: VLAN configuration is not applicable for systems with iDRAC.
•Enable VLAN ID
6.Configure the following IPv4 Properties:
•IP Address Source
•IP Address
•Subnet Mask
•Gateway Address
7.Configure the following IPv6 Properties:
•IP Address Source
•IP Address
•Prefix Length
•Default Gateway
•DNS Address Source
•Preferred DNS Server
•Alternate DNS Server
NOTE: You can configure the IPv4 and IPv6 address details only if you enable the IPv4 and IPv6 properties under Additional Configuration.
8.Click Apply Changes.