Table 13. PEF Alert Events
Event | Description |
Fan Probe Failure | The fan is running too slow or not at all. |
Voltage Probe Failure | The voltage is too low for proper operation. |
Battery Probe Warning | The battery is operating below the recommended charge level. |
Battery Probe Failure | The battery has failed. |
Discrete Voltage Probe Failure | The voltage is too low for proper operation. |
Temperature Probe Warning | The temperature is approaching excessively high or low limits. |
Temperature Probe Failure | The temperature is either too high or too low for proper operation. |
Chassis Intrusion Detected | The system chassis has been opened. |
Redundancy (PS or Fan) Degraded | Redundancy for the fans and/or power supplies has been reduced. |
Redundancy (PS or Fan) Lost | No redundancy remains for the system's fans and/or power supplies. |
Processor Warning | A processor is running at less than peak performance or speed. |
Processor Failure | A processor has failed. |
Processor Absent | A processor has been removed. |
PS/VRM/D2D Warning | The power supply, voltage regulator module, or DC to DC converter is pending |
| a failure condition. |
PS/VRM/D2D Failure | The power supply, voltage regulator module, or DC to DC converter has failed. |
Hardware log is full or emptied | Either an empty or a full hardware log requires administrator attention. |
Automatic System Recovery | The system is hung or is not responding and is taking an action configured by |
| Automatic System Recovery. |
System Power Probe Warning | The power consumption is approaching the failure threshold. |
System Power Probe Failure | The power consumption has crossed the highest acceptable limit and has |
| resulted in a failure. |
Removable Flash Media Absent | The removable flash media is removed. |
Removable Flash Media Failure | The removable flash media is pending a failure condition. |
Removable Flash Media Warning | The removable flash media pending a failure condition. |
Internal Dual SD Module Card Critical | The internal dual SD module card has failed. |
Internal Dual SD Module Card | The internal dual SD module card is pending a failure condition. |
Warning |
Internal Dual SD Module Card | The internal dual SD module card has no redundancy. |
Redundancy Lost |
Internal Dual SD Module Card Absent | The internal dual SD module card is removed. |