2.13 Measuring the Bearing
There are two ways to measure the bearing to a target: by the cursor, and by the EBL (Electronic Bearing Line).
By cursor
Operate the omnipad to bisect the target with the cursor intersection. The bearing to the tar- get appears at the bottom of the display.
1.Press the [EBL/VRM SELECT] key to cir- cumscribe an EBL readout (at the bottom
2.Press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key to enable control of the omnipad.
3.Operate the omnipad to bisect the target with the EBL.
4.Check the EBL readout at the bottom left- hand corner of the display to find the bear- ing to the target.
5.To anchor the EBL, press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key.
To erase the EBL and its readout, press and hold down the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key about two seconds.
6.0 NM |
2.0 | Target |
| |
| Cursor |
| EBL1 |
| EBL2 |
| Cursor |
EBL | Bearing |
EBL1 bearing 40.0° R
EBL1 bearing 135.0° R 40.0°R 4.0 NM
Figure 2-9 How to measure bearing by EBL
and cursor
Note: The bearing readout for the EBL and the cursor can be displayed in relative or true bearing (true bearing requires heading sensor input). For north up and course up display modes the bearing reference is always true. For details see the next chapter.
Tips for measuring bearing
¡Bearing measurements of smaller targets are more accurate; the center of larger target pips is not as easily identified.
¡Bearings of stationary or slower moving tar- gets are more accurate than bearings of faster moving targets.
¡To minimize bearing errors keep echoes in the outer half of the picture by changing the range scale; angular difference becomes dif- ficult to resolve as a target approaches the center of the display.
2.14 Using the Offset EBL
The offset EBL provides two functions: predict collision course of radar target and measure the range and the bearing between two targets.
Predicting collision course
1.Press the omnipad to place the cursor on the center of the target.
2.Press the [EBL/VRM SELECT] key to choose EBL1 readout and then press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key.
3.Select EBL OFFSET on the menu and press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
4.Press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key.
5.Operate EBL1 so it passes through the cen- ter of the target.
If the target tracks along the EBL towards the center of the display (your vessel’s position), the target may be on a collision course.
To cancel, select EBL OFFSET and press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.