Sony RS-232C manual Scene Recall Button 43H 52H 53H 41H ‘CRSA’

Page 58

SCENE RECALL BUTTON : 43[H] 52[H] 53[H] 41[H] (‘CRSA’)

This command is used to set the scene No. to be recalled, to the SCENE RECALL A to D buttons on the front of the SRP-X700P.

Packet format

43[H] 52[H] 53[H] 41[H] “parameter” 0D[H]


The parameter consists of the 4 bytes all the time in the order as shown in the table below.


Parameter name



















Method of specifying the scene No. is the same as that of the SCENE STORE command.

Example: When you want to set the respective buttons as shown below.


: Scene No.1


: Scene No.2


: Scene No.3


: Scene No.4

43[H] 52[H] 53[H] 41[H] 31[H] 32[H] 33[H] 34[H] 0D[H] (‘C R S A 1 2 3 4 CR’)

– 58 –

Image 58
Contents SRP-X700P Table of Contents Page RXD TXD DTR GND CTS OpenNAK 4EH ‘N’ ACK 41H ‘A’Delimiter 0DH ‘CR’ Packet format Control S 43H 52H 43H 53H ‘CRCS’Channel Fader Level 43H 4CH 56H 4CH Clvl Remote commandChannel 1st byte Level Down 43H 4CH 56H 2DH ‘CLV-’ Fader level 2nd byteLine 4 Select 43H 53H 45H 4CH ‘CSEL’ Level UP 43H 4CH 56H 2BH ‘CLV+’Level UP/DOWN Stop 43H 4CH 56H 53H ‘CLVS’ Channel OFFParallel Output OFF 43H 50H 4FH 46H ‘CPOF’ Muting Cancel MuntingMuting 43H 4DH 55H 54H ‘CMUT’ MutingProjector Power Control 43H 50H 4AH 50H ‘CPJP’ Parallel Output on 43H 50H 4FH 4EH ‘CPON’Scene No Scene Recall 43H 52H 43H 4CH ‘CRCL’Status Request 52H 53H 54H 54H ‘RSTT’ Return packet formatMIC 2/WL 2 Level Meter Value FR Setup StatusMIC 1/WL 1 Level Meter Value MIC 3 Level Meter ValueMIC Over Gain MIC SwitchWL RF Line Input Over GainLine OUTPUT7,8 Over Gain MIC Input -∞Line OUTPUT1-6 Over Gain Line OUTPUT1-6 -∞Parallel INPUT1-6 CLIP/PROTECTIONGate Parallel INPUT7-12OUT10 OUT9 OUT8 OUT7 Parallel OUTPUT7-10Fader Value Fader ValueLine OUTPUT1-6 Muting MIC MutingLine Input Muting Line OUTPUT7,8/REC OUT1,2/SPEAKER Output 1,2 MutingScene Recall Group MutingLINE4 Select REMOTE6 REMOTE5 REMOTE4 REMOTE3 REMOTE2 REMOTE1LOCK/FADER FR Setup StatusPanel Lock Auto MIX 43H 41H 4DH 58H ‘CAMX’ Auto MIX Parameter Request 52H 41H 4DH 58H ‘RAMX’Auto MIX Edit Parameter 43H 41H 4DH 50H Camp Input Compressor Ratio 2nd byte Input Compressor Threshold 1st byteRatio Input Compressor Release Time 4th byte Input Compressor Attack Time 3rd byteInput Gate Threshold 5th byte Output Limiter Threshold 8th byte Input Gate Hold Time 6th byteInput Gate Release Time 7th byte Output Limiter Attack Time 9th byteLine Output 7,8, Recout 1,2 ON/OFF 14th byte Line Output 1-6 ON/OFF 13th byteREC2 REC1 OUT8 OUT7 Factory Preset 43H 52H 53H 54H ‘CRST’ Auto MIX Edit Parameter Request 52H 41H 4DH 50H RampFirmware Version Request 52H 56H 45H 52H ‘RVER’ FR Setup 43H 46H 52H 53H ‘CFRS’Firmware Version 1-7th byte Scene No st byte Line Input fader 11th byte Index 2-9th byteMIC Input fader 10th byte Line OUTPUT1-6 fader 12th byteInformation 43H 49H 4EH 46H ‘CINF’ Power On Setting 1st byteDefault InformationLine 3 Input 43H 49H 4DH 33H ‘CIL3’ Information Parameter Request 52H 49H 4EH 46H ‘RINF’Information 2-129th byte REF Level Trim 10th bytePEQ frequency 12 and 15th byte PEQGain Limit level 18th byte PEQ Q 13 and 16th bytePEQ gain 14 and 17th byte GainLine 3 Input Parameter Request 52H 49H 4DH 33H ‘RIL3’ Fader level 19th byteLine 4 Input 43H 49H 4DH 34H ‘CIL4’ Line 4 Input Parameter Request 52H 49H 4DH 34H ‘RIL4’Line OUTPUT1,2 43H 4FH 4CH 31H,32H ‘COL1,2’ HCF PEQ Delay Delay 45th byteREF Level 10th byte 52H 4FH 4DH 31H,32H ‘ROL1,2’ Line Output 1,2 Parameter RequestLine OUTPUT3-8 43H 4FH 4CH 33H-38H ‘COL3-8’ 12th PEQ1 Frequency 13th 52H 4FH 4DH 33H-38H ‘ROL3-8’ Line OUTPUT3-8 Parameter RequestMIC Input 43H 49H 4DH 31H-36H ‘CIM1-6’ FR2 Gain FR1 GainFUNCTIONON/OFF FR3 GainSoft Compressor 39th byteCompressor OFF MIDMIC Muting MIC Input Parameter Request 52H 49H 4DH 31H-36H ‘RIM1-6’MUTING/LINE4 Select 43H 4DH 54H 53H ‘CMTS’ LINE3,4 MutingLine OUTPUT1-6 Muting 4th byte MIC Muting 2nd byteLine Muting 3rd byte Speaker REC OUTPUT8 OUTPUT7 OUTPUT2 OUTPUT1 OUT2 OUT1Master Muting 6th byte MUTING/LINE4 Select Parameter Request52H 4DH 54H 53H ‘RMTS’ Group Fader Muting 7th bytePanel Lock 43H 4CH 43H 4BH ‘CLCK’ Parallel I/O 43H 50H 49H 4FH ‘CPIO’Recall FUNCTION1 NoneAV SEL LVL+FUNCTION2 None Recall OverSEL REC OUT 43H 4FH 52H 31H,32H ‘COR1,2’ Parallel I/O Parameter Request 52H 50H 49H 4FH RpioREC OUT REC OUT Parameter Request 52H 4FH 4DH 33H,32H ‘ROR1,2’ Remote 43H 53H 49H 4FH ‘CSIO’Control S I/F Type 15th byte LINE3-4F machine type 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13th byteLINE3-4F connection 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14th byte PJ Control 16th byteRemote Parameter Request 52H 50H 49H 4FH ‘RPIO’ Video signal type 17th through 22nd byteProjector protocol 23rd byte LINE4 D-E L Level LINE4 A-C,F R LevelMIC1/WL1 Level MIC2/WL2 Level LINE3-LINE4 A-C ON/OFF 19th byte Level 2-17th byte MIC1/WL1-MIC6/LINE2 ON/OFF 18th byte LINE4 D,E ON/OFF 20th byteScene Index Request 52H 53H 43H 49H ‘RSCI’ Scene Parameter Request 52H 53H 43H 52H ‘RSTR’ Scene Recall Button 43H 52H 53H 41H ‘CRSA’ Scene Store 43H 53H 54H 52H ‘CSTR’ Scene Recall Button Parameter Request52H 52H 53H 41H ‘RRSA’ FUNCTION1Routing Input Selector Fader Muting Function Function 1, 2 10, 11th byteFader Group Output Muting Function Function ON/OFF 2nd byte Speaker Output 43H 4FH 53H 50H ‘COSP’CH1, 2 selector 11, 21st byte ATT 12, 22nd byte Speaker Output Parameter Request 52H 4FH 53H 50H ‘ROSP’ATT Level
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