Using the CueMixer
Mixing with Virtual Groups | 21 |
Executing Cues with User A Buttons | 21 |
Connect the CueMixer to a Matrix3
Mixing with Virtual Groups
The sound designer for a theatre musical review was faced with three acts, 24 musical numbers and 26 wireless mics. Since members of the cast could be lead in one scene and secondary or chorus in another, cues were created for each segment that assigned all inputs to virtual groups depending on whether the mic was on the principal, a secondary, or a chorus member. Using the CueMixer to mix Vgroups means that the principal is always on fader 1, secondary characters are next, and the chorus is at the end. The mix within a group is available on the input faders programmable from scene to scene and the trims provide a way of making a global level adjustment outside of the automation system.
Executing Cues with User A Buttons
In a theme park attraction walk through action show, the CueMixer is used in the control booth to monitor three actors on wireless mics and five simultaneous performance zones. The attraction is designed to operate continuously with guests moving in groups between the performance zones. The first zone is where guests are gathered in a line. A background music track played by Wild Tracksas an accompaniment to the static displays in the corridor where the line forms. There is an actor that first appears as the group is formed in the second performance zone. This actor will stay with the group as they move through the next three zones. As a new group is formed, a new actor joins the group.
The attraction is paced so that there is enough time for an actor to finish in zone four and meet up with the next new group forming in zone two. This means that that are always three actors in play while the attraction is running. Monitoring uses Aux output no. 1 feeding the booth monitor.
A set of cues using the Set Parameter Subcue function were created to set Aux Send 1 of each input to unity. The User A buttons on the CueMixer were mapped to fire these cues. Now a single button press on the CueMixer clears all Aux 1 sends and then sets the Aux send of the channel to be monitored to unity. Allow overlap is enabled for these cues so that they do not disrupt the executing cues.