Value | +06, | +24, | +63] |
Modify the value that is recorded at each step.
These values are the amount of change that will be applied to the value of the parameter that is assigned to the sequence.
This is the range when “Knob” is set to Step Length.
This is the range when “Knob” is set to Pitch or OSC2 Semi.
This is the range for settings other than the above.
These are the
Page22: MOD FX
A: Type | [Cho/Flg, Ensemble, Phaser] |
Select the effect type.
This effect modulates the delay time of the input signal to add depth and warmth to the sound. Increasing the “Depth” value will produce a flanger effect.
This effect uses multiple chorus units to add
This effect modulates the phase of the sound to create a twisting sensation.
B: LFO Speed SPEED | [000...127] |
Specify the speed of the LFO inside the modulation effect.
C: Depth DEPTH/FEEDBACK | [000...127] |
Specify the modulation depth and amount of feedback. Increasing this value will deepen the modulation effect and also increase the amount of feedback. If you do not wish to apply the effect, set this to 000.
Excessively high settings of this parameter may cause the output to be distorted.
Page23: DELAY FX
A: Type | [StereoDelay...L/R Delay] |
Select the delay type.
This is a stereo delay.
Stereo Delay
This is a stereo delay where the left and right channels of feedback are interchanged. On Dual programs, it is effec- tive to set the panpot of the two timbres to left and right respectively.
Cross Delay
L/R Delay
This is a delay where the delay sound is output to left and right alternately.
L/R Delay
B: Tempo Sync | [ON, OFF] |
If this is ON, the delay time will synchronize to the tempo. If the Global mode Page 3C: MIDI “Clock” setting is Inter- nal, the delay time will synchronize to the tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob. If it is External, the delay time will synchro- nize to the MIDI clock received from an external MIDI device.
C: Delay Time TIME | [000...127] |
Set the delay time.
This parameter will be displayed and can be set only if “Tempo Sync” is OFF.
C: Sync Note | [1/32...1/1] |
Specify the delay time as a proportion of the tempo set by the [TEMPO] knob. (☞P.66 “How “Resolution” and “Sync Note” values correspond to note values”)
This parameter will be displayed and can be set only if “Tempo Sync” is ON.
D: Depth DEPTH/FEEDBACK | [000...127] |
Specify the delay depth and feedback amount. Increasing this value will make the delay louder and will also increase the amount of feedback.
If you do not wish to apply a delay, set this to 000.
Excessively high settings of this parameter may cause the output to be distorted.
Page24: EQ
A: LowEQFreq | [40Hz...1000Hz] |
Set the frequency of the
B: LowEQGain |
Set the gain of the
C: HiEQFreq | [1.00kHz...18.0kHz] |
Set the frequency of the