Siemens MC35 manual Atspbg=?, Spbg list of used indexs, nlength, tlength

Page 202

AT Command Set

8.29 AT^SPBG Read entry from active telephone book via sorted index

This command sorts the active phonebook records by name, in alphabetical order. Please note that the alphabetical order is assigned an index of its own which is not identical with the location num- bers used in the various phonebooks.

CAUTION: The AT^SBPG command is intended for reading only. For example, it helps you find en- tries starting with matching characters. However, do not use the listed index numbers to dial out or modify entries.

Test command


Execute command



[, <index2>]





^SPBG: (list of used <index>s), <nlength>, <tlength>



<index> Total number of entries stored in the active phonebook; displayed as a range of serial numbers (1 – n).

<nlength> Max. length of phone number

<tlength> Max. length of the text associated with the phone number


^SPBG: <index1>, <number>, <type>, <text>[<CR><CL>

^SPBG: .....

^SPBG: <index2>, <number>, <type>, <text> ]


<index1> Serial number assigned to the position in the alphabetical list where reading of entries starts

<index2> Serial number assigned to the position in the alphabetical list where reading of entries ends

<number> Phone number

<type> Type of phone number

<text> Text associated with phone number


The AT^SPBG feature is able to sort by the first 6 matching characters only. All the following characters will be ignored.

1.First, run the Test command to find out the range of phonebook entries stored in the active phonebook:


TA returns the number of entries in the format: ^SPBG: (1-33),20,17 where 33 is the total number of entries.

2.Now, run the Execute command to display the phonebook entries by alpha- betical order. It is recommended to enter the full range to obtain best results.

AT^SPBG=1,33 TA returns phonebook entries by alphabetical order:

^SPBG: 1,"+999999",145,"Arthur"

^SPBG: 2,"+777777",145,"Bill"

^SPBG: 3,"+888888",145,"Charlie" .........

The numbers at the beginning of each line are not the memory locations in the phonebook, but only serial numbers assigned to the alphabetical list.


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Contents AT Command Set 04.00 02.04.2002 MC35ATC01V04.00 Released General note CopyrightContents AT Commands for FAX AT Commands originating from GSMAT commands originating from GSM 07.05 for SMS 126 AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit GSM Gprs AT commands in accordance with GSM 149Siemens defined AT commands for enhanced functions 214 AT+CCWA ATOAT+CCUG AT+CINDAtscks Scope of the document AT command MC35 ModuleMC35 Module MC35 Terminal Supported product versions and related documents Related documentsConventions AT command syntaxSupported character sets Entering successive AT commands on separate lines Using parametersCombining AT commands on the same command line AT+IPRA/ Repeat previous command line +++ Switch from data mode or PPP online mode to command modeAT\Q3 RTS/CTS AT\Qn FlowcontrolATA Answer a call ATAATD Mobile originated call to dial a number SIM +CME Error errATDmemn Originate call to phone number n in memory mem MgsmATDSM15 TA attempts to set up an outgoing call to the stored number Str Atdi Mobile originated call to dialable Isdn number n Atdl Atdl Redial last telephone number usedVoice call ATE Enable command echo ATH Disconnect existing connectionRevision MC35 xx.yy ATI Display product identification informationATIvalue Display additional identification information Xx.yyATL Set monitor speaker loudness ATM Set monitor speaker modeATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode Connect textNone ATQ Set result code presentation modeATP Select pulse dialling ATS0?23 ATS5 Write command line editing character 21 ATS3 Write command line termination character22 ATS4 Set response formatting character ATS7? 24 ATS6 Set pause before blind diallingATS6? N0 n+Cause location ID reason OK 28 ATS18 Extended error reportATT Select tone dialling Location IDATX Set Connect result code format and call monitoring ATV Set result code format modeWhen value =0 Value33 AT&C Set circuit Data Carrier Detect DCD function mode ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile34 AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready DTR function mode 35 AT&F Set all current parameters to manufacturer defaults36 AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready DSR function mode 37 AT&V Display current configuration Active Profile38 AT&W Store current configuration to user defined profile 40 AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification 39 AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list41 AT+GMM Request TA model identification Revision xx.yy 43 AT+GSN Request TA serial number identificationIMEIAT+GMR=? AT+GSN=?+ILRR value OK 44 AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting+ILLRrate Rates OK 45 AT+IPR Set fixed local rateAT+IPR=? AT+IPR?Synchronization between DTE and DCE Autobauding and multiplex modeAutobauding Restrictions on autobauding operationAT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold Currently defined Service Class values see TIA/EIA-592-ABadlin OK Badmul OK AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold MultiplierAT+FBOR Query data bit order Bor OKAT+FCIG Query or set the Local polling id AT+FCLASS Fax Select, read or test service classId OK AT+FCQ =? AT+FCQ Copy Quality CheckingAT+FCR Capability to receive AT+FCQ?AT+FDCC? AT+FDCC Query or set capabilitiesAT+FDCC =? Dcc OKAT+FDFFC? AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format ConversionAT+FDFFC=? Df OKAT+FDIS? 10 AT+FDIS Query or set session parametersAT+FDIS =? Cdec OKAT+FDR 11 AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C data reception12 AT+FDT Data Transmission AT+FDT14 AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort 15 AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities13 AT+FET End a page or document Lid OK18 AT+FOPT Set bit order independently 16 AT+FMDL identify Product Model17 AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification Gipsy Soft Protocolstack20 AT+FREV Identify Product Revision 19 AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout21 AT+FRH Receive Data Using Hdlc Framing Tout OK23 AT+FRS Receive Silence 24 AT+FTH Transmit Data Using Hdlc Framing22 AT+FRM Receive Data AT+FRM=?26 AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait 25 AT+FTM Transmit DataAT+FTM=? Vrfc OK 27 AT+FVRFC Vertical resolution format conversionVrfc AT+CACM? AT+CACM Accumulated call meter ACM reset or queryAT+CACM=? AT+CACM=AT+CALA? AT+CALA Set alarm timeAT+CALA=? +CALA time,n,type,textSsystart Alarm Mode +CALA text +CALA textAT+CCLK AT command UseAT+CALA AtsbcAT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum ACMmax set or query +CAMM acmmax OK+CAOC mode OK AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information+CAOC ccm OK Speed AT+CBST Select bearer service type+CBST speed,name,ce Name+CCFC status, class1, number, type CRLF+CCFC .... OK AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions controlAT+CCFC=? +CCFC status, class1, number, type , time CRLF+CCFC .... OKExamples Call forwarding At+ccfc=0,3,+493012345678,145+CCFC 1,2,+493012345678,145 AT+CCLK? AT+CCLK Real Time ClockAT+CCLK=? +CCLK time+CCUG n, index,info OK AT+CCUG Closed User GroupInfo OK IndexAT+CCWA Call waiting AT+CEER 10 AT+CEER Extended error reportAT+CEER=? +CEER location ID, reason , ssreleaseOK11 AT+CFUN Set phone functionality Full functionality+CFUN fun AT+CFUN=?AT+CFUN? FunRst AT+CFUN?AT+CPIN +CPIN SIM PIN OK 12 AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification 13 AT+CGMM Request model identificationSn OK 16 AT+CHLD Call hold and multipartyAT+CGSN=? AT+CHLD=?17 AT+CHUP Hang up call 18 AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity+CIND ind,ind 19 AT+CIND Indicator control+CIND descr,list IndAT+CIND= StatIdx 20 AT+CLCC List current calls of MEAT+CLCC=? DirAT+CLCK=? 21 AT+CLCK Facility lock+CLCK status,class1CRLF +CLCK status, class2.... OK Passwdpassword Examples Phone lock Examples Enabling / disabling PIN 1 authenticationStatus 0 off 1 on AT+CPIN? Examples Call barring AT+CPIN? +CPIN PH-SIM PUKAt+clck=oi,2,0000,15 +CLCK 1,1 +CLIP number, type,,,,CLI validity 22 AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation+CLIP n, m OK +CLIP number, type+CLIR n,m AT+CLVL? 24 AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume levelAT+CLVL=? +CLVL levelKeyp 25 AT+CMER Mobile equipment event reporting+CMER mode,keyp,disp,ind,bfr DispAT+CMEE=? 26 AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error+CIEV desc,value AT+CMEE?AT+CMUT? 27 AT+CMUT Mute controlAT+CMUT=? +CMUT nAT+CMUX=mode If error is related to ME functionality 28 AT+CMUX Enter multiplex modeIf error is related to ME functionality +CMUX list of supported modes OKATE Restricted use of AT commands in Multiplex modeCommand Behaviour on channel Differences on channel 2+3 AT+CRCommand Description Chapter AT+COPN 29 AT+COPN Read operator namesAT+COPN=? +COPN.....OKAT+COPS? 30 AT+COPS Operator selectionAT+COPS=? +COPS mode, format, oper OKOper Format+CPAS pas OK 31 AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity statusAT+CPAS=? Pas32 AT+CPBR Read current phonebook entries Storage 33 AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage+CPBS storage,used,total OK UsedAT+CPBW= 34 AT+CPBW Write phonebook entryAT+CPBW=? Tlength OK+CPIN code OK 35 AT+CPIN Enter PINCode PH-NS PIN PH-NET PINPH-NET PUK PH-NS PUKMC35ATC01V04.00 103 02.04.2002 What to do if PIN or password authentication fails? MC35ATC01V04.00 105 02.04.2002 +CPIN2 code OK 36 AT+CPIN2 Enter PIN2Code Ready AT+CBPS=FD +CPUC currency, ppu OK Ror +CME Error incorrect password is output37 AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table Ppu+CPWD list of supported fac, pwdlengths OK 38 AT+CPWD Change passwordAT+CPWD=? FacAt+cpwd=fac,oldpwd AT+CPWD=PS,1111,2222 AT+CR=? 39 AT+CR Service reporting control+CR mode OK AT+CR?+CRC mode OK +CREG n,stat,lac,ci 41 AT+CREG Network registrationLac +CREG stat +CREG stat,lac,ciMws +CRLP iws,mws,T1,N2,verxIws Verx43 AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access AT+CSCS? 44 AT+CSCS Set TE character set+CSCS list of supported chsets +CSCS chsetAT+CSNS=? +CSNS mode45 AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme +CSNS list of supported modes+CSQ rssi, ber OK 46 AT+CSQ Signal qualityAT+CSQ=? RssiAT+CSSN? 47 AT+CSSN Supplementary service notificationsAT+CSSN=? +CSSN n,mOKAT+ CUSD? 48 AT+CUSD Unstructured supplementary service dataAT+CUSD=? +CUSD n OKDuration OK 49 AT+VTD=n Tone durationDuration See write command Dtmf51 AT+WS46 Select wireless network AT+CMGC=? AT+CMGC Send an SMS command+CMS Error err +CMGC mr,sctsAT+CMGF Select SMS message format +CMGF mode OKAT+CMGD Delete SMS message DexAT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store +CMGL index,stat,fo,ctCRLF +CMGL index,stat,fo,ct... OK +CMGL index,lengthCRLFpduMC35ATC01V04.00 130 02.04.2002 +CMGR stat,fo,ct ,pid,mn,da,toda,length CRLFcdata AT+CMGR Read SMS message+CMGR stat,fo,mr,ra,tora,scts,dt,st +CMGR stat,sn,mid,dcs,page,pagesCRLFdataMC35ATC01V04.00 132 02.04.2002 Tora +CMGS mr,scts OK AT+CMGS Send SMS messageAT+CMGS=? +CMGS mr,ackpdu OKMC35ATC01V04.00 135 02.04.2002 AT+CMGW=? AT+CMGW Write SMS message to memory+CMGW index OK MC35ATC01V04.00 137 02.04.2002 AT+CMSS Send SMS message from storage AT+CNMA New SMS message acknowledge to ME/TE, only phase 2+ AT+CNMI? 10 AT+CNMI New SMS message indicationsAT+CNMI=? +CNMI mode,mt,bm,ds,bfr OKCode +CDSI mem,index Ited result code +CDS lengthCRLFpdu PDU modeEnabled or +CDS fo,mr,ra,tora,scts,dt, st +CBMI mem,index11 AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage +CMS ERRORerr+CPMS used1,total1,used2,total2,used3,total3 OK MC35ATC01V04.00 143 02.04.2002 AT+CSCA? 12 AT+CSCA SMS service centre addressAT+CSCA=? +CSCA sca,tosca OKDcss 13 AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast messages+CSCB mode,mids,dcss Mids14 AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters AT+CSMP? 15 AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parametersAT+CSMP=? +CSMPfo,vp/scts,pid,dcs OKService 16 AT+CSMS Select Message Service+CSMS service,mt,mo,bm OK +CSMS mt,mo,bm OKState Commands specific to MTs supporting Gprs1 AT+CGATT Gprs attach and detach +CGACT state+CGACT cid, state CRLF+CGACT cid, state 2 AT+CGACT PDP context activate or deactivateCid L2P 3 AT+CGDATA Enter data stateAT+CGDATA=? +CGDATA=L2PSee test command 4 AT+CGDCONT Define PDP ContextPacket Data Protocol type is a string parameter which 5 AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile Minimum acceptable Delay Class Mean Transfer Delay Percentile At+cgqmin? OK at+cgqmin=1,0 OK at+cgqmin? +CGQMIN1,0,0,0,0,0 MC35ATC01V04.00 157 02.04.2002 AT+CGQREG? 6 AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile RequestedAT+CGQREG=? AT+CGQREG=Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that At+cgqreq? OK at+cgqreq=1,0 OK at+cgqreq? +CGQREQ1,0,0,0,0,0 MC35ATC01V04.00 161 02.04.2002 7 AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages +CGSMS serviceAuth Atsgauth Set type of authentication for PPP connection+CGACT auth ATD *99# Request Gprs service Modem compatibility commands to MTs supporting GprsCalledaddress ATD *98# Request Gprs IP service Ring +CRING Gprs PDPtype,PDPaddrAT+CGDCONT? +CGDCONT1,IP AT+CGDCONT=1,IPAT+CGDCONT=1 AT+CGQREQ=1 AT+CGQREQ=1,2AT+CGQREQ? AT+CGACT=1,2Using the Gprs dial command ATD AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit GSM ATSSTA? Atssta Remote-SAT Interface ActivationATSSTA=? ATSSTA=Sstn Remote-SAT Notification ATSSTGI? Atsstgi Remote-SAT Get InformationATSSTGI=? ATSSTGI=ATSSTR? Atsstr Remote-SAT ResponseATSSTR=? ATSSTR=AT+CXXCID AT+CXXCID Display card ID identical to AtscidAT+CXXCID=? See ScidATMONI=? Atmoni Monitor idle mode and dedicated modePeriod Dedicated channel ATMONP=? Atmonp Monitor neighbour cellsAtmonp Acm Atsacm Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmaxSacm n,acm,acmmax OK +CCCM ccmAtsbc Battery charging / discharging and charge control BcsATSBC= ATSBC?SBC bcs,bcl,mpc SBC Undervoltage ATSCID=? Atscid Display SIM card identification numberScid cid OK Scks n, m OK ATSCKS=?ATSCKS? Scks mScni id1,cs,number,type Atscni List Call Number InformationATSCNI=? Scni id2,cs,number,typeSctm n, m OK For battery accumulator temperatureFor module board temperature Sctma mSiemens Important AtsmsoAtshom Display Homezone Atsdld Delete the last number redial memoryAtslcd Display Last Call Duration ATSLCK= Atslck Facility lockATSLCK=? Slck status,class1CRLF Slck status, class2.... OKAtsmgl List SMS messages from preferred storage AtsmglATSMGO? Smgo modeATSMGO=? Sgmo n,mode OKATSMGR=? Atsmso Switch off mobile stationAtsmgr Read SMS message without set to REC Read ATSMGR=ATSM20 Set M20 Compatibility SM20 n,mATSNFA? Atsnfa Set or query microphone attenuationATSNFA=? Snfa atten OKATSNFD=? Atsnfd Set audio parameters to manufacturer default valuesBrate0 to 4, sideTone of all audio modes Brates OK Atsnfi Set microphone path parametersATSNFI=? ATSNFI?ATSNFM=? Atsnfm Mute microphoneAudio programming model ATSNFM?OutCalibrate0 ... outCalibrate4 Atsnfo Set audio output = loudspeaker path parameterOutBbcGain outCalibrate0...outCalibrate4 outStep sideTone OutStepAtsnfs Select audio hardware set + CME Error errorSnfs audMode OK Snfv outStep Atsnfv Set loudspeaker volumeAtsnfw Write audio setting in non-volatile store Brate4, side ToneSee AT+CPBS/ATSPBS Atspbc Search the first entry in the sorted telephone bookATSPBC=? CharATSPBG= ATSPBG=?Spbg list of used indexs, nlength, tlength Atspbs Steps the selected phonebook alphabetically Atspic Atspic Display PIN counterATSPIC=? Spic counter OKSPLM.....OK Atsplm Read the Plmn listSplm numeric numeric1,long alphanumeric alpha1CRLF AlphanATSPLR= Atsplr Read entry from the preferred operators listATSPLR=? Splr index1, oper Splr index2, oper OKATSPLW=? Atsplw Write an entry to the preferred operators listATSPLW= Spwd list of supported fac, pwdlengths OK Atspwd Change password for a lockATSPWD=? Atspwd =MC35ATC01V04.00 209 02.04.2002 Ssda da OK Atssda Set Display AvailabilityDa display availability ATSSYNC=? Atssync Configure Sync Pin+SSYNC mode OK ATSSYNC?LED mode Function Atstcd Atstcd Display Total Call DurationATSTCD=? Stcd time OKSummary of CME Errors related to GSM Summary of Errors and MessagesCode of err Meaning Summary of GPRS-related CME Errors Code of err Meaning 103 Illegal MSSummary of CMS Errors related to GSM Code of err Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes URC How to activateMessage Meaning How to activate Sysstart Sysstart CHARGE-ONLY Mode Sysstart Alarm ModeATSCTM=1 Indication Numeric Meaning Cause Location ID for the extended error report AT+CEERResult codes IDDescriptionSiemens release cause for L3 Radio Resource RR AT+CEER GSM release cause for L3 Radio Resource RR AT+CEERNumber Description GSM release cause for L3 Mobility Management MM AT+CEER Cause related to subscription optionsSiemens release cause for L3 Mobility Management MM AT+CEER GSM release cause for L3 Call Control CC AT+CEERService or option not available class Siemens release cause for L3 Call Control CC AT+CEERSiemens release cause for L3 Advice of Charge AOC AT+CEER GSM release cause for Supplementary Service call AT+CEERReturn Error Problem Codes GSM release cause for Session Management SM AT+CEERSiemens release cause for Session Management SM AT+CEER Siemens release cause for Gprs API AT+CEERSiemens release cause for Embedded Netcore AT+CEER Summary of PIN requiring AT Commands AT command Required PINAtmonp PIN Atmoni Atsacm AT command Required PINAtssda PIN Atstcd AT command Test Read AT commands available before entering the SIM PINExecute Atsnfm AT command Test Read Write ExecuteAT+COPS Atsnfs Atsnfv Atsnfw Atspic AtssyncStandard GSM service codes # code Functionality Possible responsesAbbreviations of codes and responses Additional notes on SCCFC, SCCWA, Sclck Atd*#21**25# Sccfc 0,0,7 Alphabet tables MC35ATC01V04.00 238 02.04.2002
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MC35 specifications

The Siemens MC35 is a compact and versatile modem designed primarily for mobile communication, data transmission, and machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. Launched in the early 2000s, it quickly became popular due to its blend of performance, reliability, and ease of integration, making it a solid choice for developers and businesses.

One of the key features of the MC35 is its support for GSM and GPRS technologies. This allows it to connect seamlessly to various networks, enabling users to transmit data at speeds that were impressive for its time. The GPRS capability can offer data rates of up to 171.2 kbps, allowing for efficient data transfer even in areas with limited connectivity.

The MC35 is designed to support both SMS and voice functionalities, making it adaptable for a range of applications. This includes remote monitoring, telemetry, and alarm signaling. The ability to send and receive SMS messages is a significant advantage for applications that require immediate alerts and notifications, enhancing its utility in security systems and industrial automation.

Furthermore, the modem is equipped with a range of interfaces, including serial communication (RS232), which makes it compatible with various hardware devices. This facilitates easy integration into existing systems, whether for industrial machinery or consumer electronics. Additionally, it features a robust software development kit (SDK), which enables developers to create custom applications tailored to their specific requirements.

Power consumption is another notable characteristic of the Siemens MC35. It is engineered to be energy-efficient, which is especially important for battery-operated devices or systems that require a prolonged operation without frequent recharging or maintenance.

In terms of physical characteristics, the MC35 is compact and lightweight, allowing it to fit into various enclosure designs without occupying much space. Its durability ensures it can perform reliably in different environments, making it suitable for outdoor and industrial applications.

To summarize, the Siemens MC35 stands out as a reliable modem with a rich feature set that includes GSM and GPRS support, SMS and voice capabilities, easy integration through various interface options, and energy-efficient operation. Its adaptability makes it a valuable tool for a wide array of communication and data transmission tasks, solidifying its place in the evolution of mobile communications technology.