Lynx Professional Grills L27-2 manual Before eaCh, EleCtrIC Ign ItI on, For the maI brass burne ur

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before eaCh


Before any use, always make sure that:

... you do not smell gas

before you light the grill. If

you do smell gas, shut every

thing off and have a qualified

plumber check for leaks.

you never leAve The

grill unATTended while

Coo King

… the cooking area is free

and clear of any combustibles,

besides your food, that might


… the control knobs turn

1) n ever attempt to light a burner if you smell gas.

) Always keep the lid open (side-burner lids must be com- pletely removed) when lighting your grill.

) Releasing fuel into a closed grill before lighting will in crease the risk of explosion, property damage , personal injury or death.

) Keep your face and body as far from the grill as possible when lighting. Any time a burner doesn’t light within 5 seconds, turn off the control, wait 5 minutes for gas to dis- sipate, and repeat the lighting procedure.

eleCtrIC Ign ItI on


… if you are using a

portable propane cylinder, it is

securely connected and leak

tested. (see indeX: “Cylinder

retention i nstructions” for details.)

… you know where the main gas supply shut-off is located

… the burners are seated properly in the grill with mounting legs in the slots.

back of grill.

Before proceeding, make sure you have completed

the “ before each use” checklist.

follow these steps to light any of the burners

first, make sure all burner control knobs are set to off

for the maI brass burne ur


nob conds, llowing the igniter to heat p. Then rotate the knob to liTe ”. After ignition, set the knob to the desired heat setting.

for the rotIsserI e b

a thermocouple sensor with a safety valve that automatically shuts off the flow of gas if the burner goes out. (See I nd EX:

windy Conditions” for tips on how to prevent burner blow out)

To light the rotisserie burner, push and hold the control knob in for  seconds and then turn the knob to the

liTe ” position.

After ignition Con Tinue holding The Con T rol Knob in for 30 to 60 seconds. d uring this time the thermocouple will heat up and the safety valve will remain


If you release the control knob before the thermocouple has heated up, the safety valve will shut off the flow of gas to the rotisserie burner and you will have to re-light the burner.


Image 10
Contents Make the Most of Your MessAge to our CustoMers… Dang Er If you smell gas Dang Er L y a une odeur de gazLynx Professional g rills 5895 rickenbacker Commerce, Ca InstAllAtion guidelines NtentsPage IMportAnt sAfety preCAutions Ort Osear rner For the maI brass burne ur Before eaChEleCtrIC Ign ItI on For the rotIsserI e bManual lI ghtI ng tube Manual lI ghtI ngCold weather warn I ng Pro Pane RI ght most maI n burnerDI reCt heat Pre-heatI ngNdI reCt heat ProSear Cleaning How To seArPreheatI ng the Prosear burner M otor He ro Stai n Less Steel CleAning your lynx grillDri P TrAy ERAm I c Briquettes To Clean the b rass b urnerRilling rACKs MAI n Brass BURn ERSProSear burner GrI ll won Troubleshooting your ly nx grillPlease check a few things before you call for service Yellow flame or gas smell wh I le Coo KI ngLow or I nsuffICI ent heat Wind h iTT ing g rillRoT isserie won’T ligh T Urner eXT inguishes only when seT To LowBurner eXT inguishes Ligh Ts won’T ligh TUy-lynx CUS To M e sLynx Professional g rills Limited lifetime warranty II. limited five-year warrantyPage Final Checks Side Burner/LPSGE Hookup Wiring Schematics DeX leak Testing for further details Before you stArt BuilT- in insTAllAT ionsIMPorTAnT noT es LeArAn C e To Co M Bustible mATERIALS ReAr hood C leArAn C ePage Ow to remove the Carton UnpACking And AsseMblyRAT e & CArTon NT erior PACKingEleCtriCAl ConneCtions ConneCTion To ACGAs ConneCtions NATurAl gAsLP gAs LP Cylinder EquirementsFinAl CheCks Leak test ProcedureTo adjust the burner low setting LP ConnectionsOne lAsT T hing RAss b urner flAM e/ Air f low AdjusTM enTTo adjust Lynx technical s upportCArT insTAllAT ion BuilT- in insTAllAT ionSide burner/lpsge hookup Wiring sCheMAtiCs L27 & L30 rotisserie Grill L36 & L42 rotisserie Grill L54 rotisserie Grill LynX ProfessionAl g rills eXP loded PArTs view 2010 Profession Al g rills PAr Model-Specific BTU Outputs Maximum Runs for all Appliances on supply lineIndex Page Page