Congratulationsmakinga smartpurchaseYour. newKenmore<Rproductisdesignedand manufacturedfor yearsof dependableoperationBut. likeall products,it mayrequirerepairfromtimeto time.That'swhenhavinga RepairProtection Agreementcansaveyoumoneyandaggravation.
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repair specialists
[] Unlimited service and no charge for parts and labor on all covered repairs
[] Product replacement up to $1500 if your covered product can't be fixed
[] Discount of 10% from regular price of service and related installed parts not covered by the
agreement; also, 10% off regular price of preventive maintenance check
[] Fast help by phone - we call it Rapid Resolution- phone support from a
Sears representative, Think of us as a "talking owner's manual."
Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service. You can call anytime day or night,
or schedule a service appointment online.
The Repair Protection Agreement is a
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For
prices and additional information in the U.S.A.
*Coverage in Canada varies on some items. For
full details call Sears Canada at
Sears Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of home
appliances, garage door openers, water heaters, and other major home items, in the U.S.A. or Canada call