[3]-4. Motor Section
5)Remove Crank section from Crank housing complete by tapping Crank housing complete with plastic hammer. (Fig. 14)
6)Remove Armature from crank housing complete using 1R023, 1R225 and arbor press as described in Fig. 15.
Fig. 15
P 8/17
Fig. 14
Crank section
O Ring 39
Crank housing complete
1.Set Crank housing complete on 1R023, and apply the thin end of 1R225 to Armature shaft. Then press down 1R225 using arbor press until it stops.
2.Turn over 1R225, and fit the pin on the thick end of 1R225 in the inner race of Ball bearing 6001DDW.
Armature can now be removed by pressing down 1R225 using arbor press.
thin end of 1R225
Crank housing
thin end of 1R225
Armature shaft
thick end of 1R225
thick end of 1R225
Ball bearing
1R225 of old specification cannot be set in place due to the height A of 20mm. If your 1R225 is old one, grind down the height A to 15mm or less using power grinder.
height A
Do the reverse of the disassembling steps.
Note: Make sure that O Ring 39 is mounted to Bearing box of Crank section before assembling Crank section to Crank housing complete. (Fig. 14)