15.4.16. F91 (Refrigeration Cycle Abnormality)
Malfunction Decision Conditions
•During cooling, compressor frequency = Fcmax.
•During heating, compressor frequency > Fhrated.
•During cooling and heating operation, running current: 0.65A < I < 1.65A.
•During cooling, indoor intake - indoor pipe < 4°C
•During heating, indoor pipe - indoor intake < 5°C
Multi Models Only
-Gas shortage detection 1: A gas shortage is detected by checking the
-Gas shortage detection 2: A gas shortage is detected by checking the difference between indoor pipe temperature and indoor intake air temperature during cooling and heating.
Malfunction Caused
•Refrigerant shortage (refrigerant leakage)
•Poor compression performance of compressor.
•2/3 way valve closed.
•Detection error due to faulty indoor intake air or indoor pipe temperature sensors.