Omega OSP SERIES manual A1 How to determine an object emissivity, A1.1 Typical Emissivity Values

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A1 How to determine an object emissivity

Emissivity is the measure of an object ability to absorb, transmit, and emit infrared energy. It can have a value from 0 (shiny mirror) to 1.0 (blackbody). If a value of emissivity higher than the actual one is set, the output will read low, provided that the target temperature is above the ambient one. For example, if 0.95 is set in and the actual emissivity is 0.9, the reading will be lower than the true temperature when the target temperature is above the ambient one.

The emissivity can be determined by one of the following methods, in order of preference:

1.Determine the actual temperature of the material using a sensor such as a RTD, thermocouple or another suitable method. Next, measure the object temperature and adjust the emissivity setting until the correct value is reached. This is the correct emissivity for the measured material.

2.For relatively low temperature objects (up to 260°C or 500°F, place a piece of tape, such as a masking, on the object. Make sure the tape is large enough to cover the field of view. Next, measure the tape temperature using an emissivity setting of 0.95. Finally, measure an adjacent area on the object and adjust the emissivity setting until the same temperature is reached. This is the correct emissivity for the measured material.

3.If a portion of the surface of the object can be coated, use a flat black paint, which will have an emissivity of about

0.98.Next, measure the painted area using an emissivity setting of 0.98. Finally, measure an adjacent area on the object and adjust the emissivity setting until the same temperature is reached. This is the correct emissivity for the measured material.

A1.1 Typical Emissivity Values

The following table provides a brief reference guide to determine emissivity and can be used when one of the above methods is not practical. Emissivity values shown in the table below are only approximate, since several parameters may effect the emissivity of an object. These include the following ones:


2.Angle of measurement

3.Geometry (plane, concave, convex, etc.)


5.Surface quality (polished, rough, oxidized, sandblasted)

6.Spectral region of measurement

7.Transmissivity (i.e., thin film plastics)


Image 54
Contents OSP Series Portable IR thermometers OMEGAnetSM On-Line Service Internet e-mail Introductory Note Table of Contents Data Acquisition Operative Mode General features General DescriptionInnovative design Instrument codes Specifications Thermocouple measuring rangesOptical System General FeaturesGeneral Target pinpointingDigital Interface KeyboardDisplay Self calibrationCase Logging ModeCalculated Measurements Logging Data ManagerPhysical Description Power supply Functional DescriptionBattery charger MicrocontrollerFirmware Unpacking PRE-OPERATIONAL Check ΛEM = 10.6 ∝MPower supply with alkaline batteries Power SupplyHow to maximize the life span of the battery Power supply from main line ACLaser Sight Analogue inputPage Quick Start How to Operate the instrumentOperations Trigger * MEM SEL EnterHold Laser sightingUnstable temperature measurement Working band WeightAlarm settings HAL Minimum, maximum, average and difference indication Automatic Emissivity Setting Temperature Scale selection ConfigurationThermocouple input enabled Technical Unit selectionDate & Real Time clock setting Acquisition settingsOSP 500/800 decimal point selection Ambient Temperature Compensation TAMBuzzer On/Off Actual Target Emissivity Ambient Temp Indicated Temp TAMFirmware revision number Instrument serial numberBattery level of charge Data Acquisition Operative Mode How to operate in data acquisition modeAcquisition by dedicated Tags Log Recall stored data Installation Logging Data ManagerProgram Architecture Data FileHelp EditToolbars Move into a new file Quick startingCopy into an open file Move into an open filePress the or key to select the Tag a identification code Log Page Options & Accessories Printer operationsSighting telescope system Red Point pinpointing system Filter installationInstallation of the sighting device Part n DescriptionPage Applications Application NotesInfrared energy EmissivityDigital output wiring practice Digital InterfaceTTL to RS 232 adapter Communication protocol Computer data request from OSP to PCComputer $00 Pyrometer measure Reading valuesComputer data setting from PC to OSP Writing valuesExample B PC instructions to OSP Communication programsExample a Data transfer from OSP to PC Example aExample B 9Ø Chksum = DATA1 + DATA2 + DATA3 + DATA4 and &H7FStorage MaintenanceFaulty operating conditions ErrAppendix A1 How to determine an object emissivity A1.1 Typical Emissivity ValuesA1.2 Metals Typical Emissivity Values 14 µmA1.3 Non-metals Typical Emissivity Values Index Weight Working band WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER Temperature