100 Chapter 13 CallPilot tips
Record your greetings and messages clearly. For a better quality recording, speak directly into the handset. Do not use the Handsfree feature. Remember to speak clearly in a pleasant voice at a pace that is easy to understand. Do not speak too softly or loudly or make the greeting or message too lengthy. After you record a greeting or message play it back. Make sure that your greeting or message sounds the way you want it to before you accept it.
Do not forget to use the Copy and Reply features. You can use CallPilot to send copies of messages to other mailboxes and reply to messages with a message of your own. When you send copies of messages to other people, ensure that your introduction explains:
•why you are forwarding a copy of the message
•whether the copy is for information only
•whether the message is meant for the person you are forwarding it to
•who is responsible for the action on the message
Use Group Lists for multiple copies of messages. If you find that you regularly send the same message to several people, ask the System Administrator to create a Group List for you. With a Group List, you can send the same message to all the mailboxes in the Group List.
Encourage CallPilot use. Old habits are sometimes hard to break, and some people have difficulty accepting or trying new technologies. Use your Personal mailbox and other CallPilot features, and encourage your
Report problems promptly. If you encounter problems using CallPilot, report the trouble to the System Administrator as soon as possible.
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