28 Chapter 5 Greetings
Personalized mailbox greeting
Personalized mailbox greetings are available only if your company subscribes to Caller ID (CLID) service from your local telephone company. For more information about CLID, ask your System Administrator.
A Personalized mailbox greeting plays to callers based on the caller’s telephone number. CallPilot recognizes the assigned incoming telephone number and plays the Personalized mailbox greeting.
For example, “Hi Susan. I may have missed your call, but I don’t want to miss meeting you for lunch. See you at noon.”
Recording technique for mailbox greetings
When you record your mailbox greetings, remember to speak clearly and at a pace that is easy to understand. After you record a greeting, you can replay it before you accept it.You can record or change a greeting from any two line display telephone.
If you are away from the office, you can record a greeting from any tone dial telephone. When you record a greeting, do not use the Handsfree feature. You get better results if you speak directly into the handset.
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