Philips 1260X, 1280XCC, 1250XCC Pull the razor forward and lift razor from Jet Clean System

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8The cleaning light starts to blink and the razor is automatically lowered into the cleaning solution.

The razor stops charging while it is being cleaned.

The cleaning cycle takes 4 to 6 minutes. For model 1280XCC only, the intensive program takes approximately 35 minutes.

During the first phase of the cleaning cycle, the razor will automatically turn on and off several times while the razor holder lowers and raises the razor’s position in the cleaning solution, removing all debris. The cleaning light will blink continuously throughout the cleaning program.

During the second phase of the cleaning cycle, the razor holder moves the razor to the drying position and the drying light will blink. This phase will take approximately 2 hours. Model 1280XCC only, the drying phase takes 1 hour when the eco program is selected. The razor will stay in one position until the end of the drying program.

Do not press the ON/OFF button while the cleaning cycle is running. If this does occur, the cleaning cycle will stop and the razor holder will automatically move to the starting position.The cleaning cycle can be re-started by pressing the ON/OFF button once.

If the power plug is disconnected before the cleaning cycle is complete, the razor holder will remain in its current position. Reconnect the plug into the outlet or Jet Clean System and the


razor holder will automatically move to the highest position. The cleaning cycle can be re-started by pressing the ON/OFF button once.

C NOTE: If the cleaning solution level drops below the minimum level during the cleaning cycle, the ‘cleaning chamber empty’ symbol will blink and razor holder returns the razor to the starting position, stopping the cleaning cycle. Unplug Jet Clean System from the outlet, remove razor and refill canister (see “Preparing Jet Clean System for Use”).

8When the entire cleaning cycle is complete and the razor is hygienically clean, the razor will be raised to the starting position and the display on the razor will turn on indicating that the razor is (re)charging.

C9 Pull the razor forward and lift razor from

Jet Clean System.

If the razor needs to be recharged, you can simply leave it in the Jet Clean System after cleaning and the razor will automatically recharge.The display on the razor will indicate the razor is recharging.

You may store your razor in the Jet Clean System. Unplug from the outlet when charging/cleaning is complete.

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Contents 1290X 1280X 1280XCC 1260X 1250X 1250XCC 1290X/1280X/1280XCC/1260X/1250X/1250XCC Important Safety Instructions Table of Contents Quick Charge FeaturesFull 2-Year Warranty Day Money-Back Guarantee Button Cleaning Program Selector Jet Clean SystemRazor Holder Cleaning Indicator Light Drying Charging Indicator Full Charge IndicatorMulti-Level Display Display provides the following informationLow Battery Indicator Blocked Shaving Heads IndicatorReplacement Shaving Unit Indicator Power-saving mode 1290X onlyCharge Meter Power plug transforms 100-240V AC to less than 24V DCBefore First Use Travel Lock 1280X, 1280XCC, 1260X, 1250X and 1250XCCConfiguration for the power outlet Charging Razor with Jet Clean System 1280XCC and 1250XCCCharging in the Charging Stand Display on the razor will indicate razor is chargingRecharging How To Shave With An Electric RazorQuick Charge Put It To The Test & Shaving TipsTo Groom Sideburns and Moustache ShavingTrimming Travel Lock 1280X, 1280XCC, 1260X, 1250X and 1250XCC CleaningActivating the travel lock Deactivating the travel lockHot water for a few minutes Cleaning the Shaving UnitShaving head open Hair chambers under hot tap water byPlace the Jet Clean System on a flat, level surface Press the ON/OFF button to start the cleaning cycle Jet Cleaning the RazorPull the razor forward and lift razor from Jet Clean System Extra-thorough cleaning method Lift the appliance off the Jet Clean canister Cleaning the TrimmerDiscard any remaining cleaning solution Canister 12 Insert the notch of the shaving unit intoMaintenance Replacement Razor Head Assembly IndicationReplacing the Shaving Unit StorageAccessories Battery RemovalAssistance Information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekFull Twoyear Warranty