Philips HP4667 manual Drying, Using the appliance

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5Rinse your hair thoroughly, as poor rinsing can result in dull hair. Finish with a cold rinse for extra shine.


To get super-smooth results, it is essential to prepare your hair for straightening. Dry you hair properly with a hairdryer to ensure a

professional, smooth finish.





After washing, squeeze excess water out of the hair with your hands and then towel-dry the hair. Use a comb to disentangle hair gently from the roots to the tips.

Divide the hair into sections using clips. Start at the back.

To dry each section, pull a straightening brush down the hair length. Follow the brush with the hairdryer, with its nozzle pointing towards the hair ends.

When you have finished drying each section, set the hairdryer to the cool setting for a final cool shot.This closes the cuticles and adds shine to the hair.

Tip: Philips Salon Pro hairdryers have a lower drying temperature and a stronger airflow than regular dryers.Thanks to this combination, they dry just as quickly as regular hairdryers but in a gentler way.

Using the appliance

Never leave the appliance unattended when it is plugged in.

Always put the appliance on a heat-resistant surface when it is heating up and when it is hot.

Straighteners are powerful styling tools and must always be used with care.

As with all straighteners that reach salon-high temperatures, do not use the appliance frequently to avoid damage to the hair. If you use the straightener incorrectly or if you use it at the wrong temperature setting, you could overheat your hair or even burn it. Always make sure you select a temperature setting that is suitable for your hair type.

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Contents HP4667 Page C D E F G Page HP4667 English IntroductionGeneral description Fig English Electromagnetic fields EMF Preparing for useWashing Drying Using the applianceStraightening Switch off the appliance and unplug it CleaningClean the appliance with a damp cloth StorageProblem Possible cause Solution Guarantee and service TroubleshootingDoes not To which Work Appliance is Socket is liveTemperature Set the temperature setting Appliance Selector to a higher settingDoes not To a low setting Heat up Sufficiently Introduktion DanskGenerel beskrivelse fig VigtigtForsigtig DanskElektromagnetiske felter EMF KlargøringHårvask Sådan bruges apparatet HårtørringForsigtighed HårtypeVælg en temperatur, der passer til din hårtype UdglatningRensning OpbevaringMiljøhensyn Problem Mulig årsag Løsning Reklamationsret og service FejlfindingEn tilsvarende Hvis netledningenKvalificeret fagmand For at undgå enhverEinführung DeutschAllgemeine Beschreibung Abb WichtigWarnhinweis DeutschLassen Sie das angeschlossene Gerät niemals unbeaufsichtigt AchtungWaschen Für den Gebrauch vorbereitenTrocknen Das Gerät benutzen Glätten‚READY‘ im Display angezeigt Reinigung Verriegeln Sie die Glätter-Platten miteinander AufbewahrungUmweltschutz Garantie und Kundendienst FehlerbehebungProblem Mögliche Ursache Lösung Εισαγωγή 30 ΕλληνικαΓενική περιγραφή Εικ ΣημαντικόΠροειδοποίηση ΕλληνικαΠροσοχή 32 ΕλληνικαΟι πλάκες ισιώματος και τα πλαστικά μέρη κοντά στις Ηλεκτρομαγνητικά Πεδία EMFΣτέγνωμα Προετοιμασία για χρήση ΛούσιμοΧρήση της συσκευής 34 ΕλληνικαΊσιωμα Συνδέστε το φις στην πρίζα Πιέστε το κουμπί on/offΕλληνικα 36 Ελληνικα ΚαθαρισμόςΑποθήκευση Περιβάλλον Εγγύηση και σέρβις Οδηγός ανεύρεσης/επίλυσης προβλημάτωνΠρόβλημα Πιθανή αιτία Λύση 38 Ελληνικα Introducción EspañolDescripción general fig ImportanteEspañol AdvertenciaPrecaución Preparación para su uso Campos electromagnéticos CEMLavado del cabello Moje bien el cabello durante 30-60 segundosUso del aparato SecadoReady listo aparece en el display AlisadoAlmacenamiento LimpiezaGarantía y servicio Guía de resolución de problemas Problema Posible causa SoluciónMedio ambiente Problema Posible causa Johdanto SuomiLaitteen osat Kuva TärkeääSuomi Pienten lasten ei saa antaa leikkiä laitteellaVaroitus Käyttöönotto Sähkömagneettiset kentät EMFHiustenpesu KuivatusSuoristaminen KäyttöValitse hiustyypille sopiva lämpötila PuhdistaminenKatkaise laitteesta virta ja irrota pistoke pistorasiasta Säilytys YmpäristöasiaaTakuu ja huolto Vianmääritys Ongelma Mahdollinen syy Ratkaisu Description générale fig FrançaisAvertissement FrançaisChamps électromagnétiques CEM Avant utilisationShampooing Utilisation de l’appareil SéchageLissage Rangement NettoyageGarantie et service Dépannage Problème Cause possible SolutionEnvironnement En appuyant sur le bouton ’appareil est éteintMarche/arrêt Le cordonIntroduzione ItalianoDescrizione generale fig PericoloItaliano AvvertenzaAttenzione Predisposizione dell’apparecchio Campi elettromagnetici EMFLavaggio Bagnate abbondantemente i capelli per circa 30-60 secondiAsciugatura Modalità d’uso dell’apparecchio StiraturaReady viene visualizzata sul display Pulizia Come riporre l’apparecchio Tutela dell’ambienteGaranzia e assistenza Risoluzione dei guasti Problema Possibile causa Soluzione Inleiding NederlandsAlgemene beschrijving fig BelangrijkNederlands WaarschuwingLet op Elektromagnetische velden EMV Klaarmaken voor gebruikWassen Drogen Ontkrullen Het apparaat gebruikenMaak het apparaat schoon met een vochtige doek SchoonmakenGarantie en service Problemen oplossen OpbergenMilieu Probleem Mogelijke oorzaak Oplossing Innledning NorskGenerell beskrivelse fig ViktigViktig NorskFør bruk Elektromagnetiske felt EMFVasking TørkingRetting Bruke apparatetNorsk Rengjøring Garanti og serviceOppbevaring MiljøFeilsøking Problem Mulig årsak LøsningIntrodução PortuguêsDescrição geral fig PerigoAviso PortuguêsMantenha o aparelho afastado de produtos inflamáveis Desligue sempre da corrente após cada utilizaçãoCampos Electromagnéticos EMF Electro Magnetic Fields PreparaçãoLavagem Secar Alisar Utilizar o aparelhoLimpeza Garantia e assistência Resolução de problemas ArrumaçãoAmbiente Problema Causa provável Solução Allmän beskrivning Bild SvenskaViktigt FaraSvenska VarningVar försiktig Elektromagnetiska fält EMF Förberedelser inför användningRengöring Använda apparaten TorkningVälj en temperaturinställning som passar din hårtyp PlattningRengöring Garanti och serviceFörvaring MiljönFelsökning Problem Möjlig orsak LösningGiriş 100 TürkçeGenel Açıklamalar Şek ÖnemliTürkçe UyarıDikkat Elektromanyetik alanlar EMF 102 TürkçeCihazın kullanıma hazırlanması YıkamaCihaz kullanım SeçinDüzleştirme 104 Türkçe Saklama TemizlemeÇevre Garanti ve servis106 Türkçe Sorun gidermeSorun Nedeni Çözüm 107 108 109 110 111