Warning: Doing a temperature offset adjustment on a channel will alter its reading. In effect, it alters the thermometer own calibration. It must be used with care!
To perform an offset adjustment, follow these instructions:
1- Click the “Offset Adjust” button ( ) that is just next to the channel number you want to calibrate. The following menu window is available:
2- Type in the “Set Point” box the actual temperature that you would like to force for this channel (this temperature is normally obtained using an accurate
3- Press the “OK” button to activate the reference temperature. The “Offset” value will reset to its new value, as a result of your new forced temperature; this new offset is now displayed in the main window.
4- To reset this forced temperature setting, go back to the “Channel Offset” window, and click the Clear button.
5- Repeat the same procedure for the other channels that you want to modify.
8.3 Acquiring and viewing temperature data
Once all your thermometers are properly connected and configured, you may want to log data to a file, or to display their values on screen. A number of tools are available for that.
To view or acquire data, the “Acquisition” pane must be active.
8.3.1 Logging temperature data to a file
The parameters that are useful to control the logging are shown in the lower left portion of the window, as shown here:
•To set the logging filename, click on “SAVE AS…”; this allows you to enter a file name. For information, the current filename is displayed just below this button.
•To set the acquisition rate, enter a number, in seconds, in the appropriate text box. Rate can be set from 0.2 to 3600 seconds.