Braun IRT4520 manual Body temperature, Normal ranges by site

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Body temperature

Normal body temperature is a range. The following table shows that this normal range also varies by site. Therefore, readings from different sites should not be directly compared.

Normal ranges by site:






34.7 – 37.3 °C





35.5 – 37.5 °C





36.6 – 38.0 °C


– 100.4



35.8 – 38.0 °C


– 100.4








As well, a person’s normal temperature range tends to decrease with age. The following table shows normal ThermoScan ranges by age.

Normal ThermoScan ranges by age:


2 years

36.4 – 38.0 °C


– 100.4



– 10 years

36.1 – 37.8 °C


– 100.0



– 65 years

35.9 – 37.6 °C






65 years

35.8 – 37.5 °C




However, the range of normal also varies from person to person and fluctuates throughout the day. It is therefore important to deter- mine your normal temperature range. This is easily done using Braun ThermoScan. Practice taking temperatures on yourself and healthy family members to determine their normal temperature ranges.

Note: When consulting your physician, communicate that the ThermoScan temperature is a temperature measured in the ear and if possible, note the individual’s normal ThermoScan temperature range as additional reference.


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Contents ThermoScan +7 495 258 62 IRT How does Braun ThermoScan work? Why measure in the ear?Normal ranges by site Body temperatureProduct description How to use your Braun ThermoScan?Temperature taking hints Changing the temperature scale Memory modeCare and cleaning Trouble-shooting Calibration Replacing the batteriesGuarantee Product specificationsKodòl temperatrà reikòt˜ matuoti ausyje? Kaip veikia «Braun» termometras «ThermoScan»?35,8 38,0 C 96,4 100,4 no temperatraKaip naudotis «Braun» termometru «ThermoScan»? Gaminio apra‰ymasPatarimai dòl temperatros matavimo Prietaiso atminties reÏimas PrieÏira ir valymas Temperatros skalòs keitimasGedim˜ paie‰ka ir ‰alinimas Klaidos Kas atsitiko Kà daryti Prane‰imas Kaip pakeisti elementusKalibravimas Garantija Techniniai gaminio duomenysKÇdï mïr¥t temperatru tie‰i aus¥? KÇ Braun ThermoScan darbojas?p¥gi un uzman¥gi izlasiet lieto‰anas instrukciju Uzman¥buParastie ThermoScan temperatras diapazoni pïc vecuma Μerme¿a temperatraParastais temperatras diapazons daÏÇdÇs ˙erme¿a vietÇs KÇ izmantot Braun ThermoScan? Ier¥ces aprakstsPadomi temperatras rÇd¥jumu nolas¥‰anai Atmi¿as reÏ¥ms Termometra kop‰ana un t¥r¥‰ana Temperatras skalas izmain¥‰anadu meklï‰ana Zi¿ojums SituÇcija Par kdu Baterijas nomai¿aKalibrï‰ana Vai F Produkta specifikÇcijaMiks mõõta kõrva kaudu? Kuidas Braun ThermoScan töötab?Normaalne temperatuurivahemik olenevalt mõõtekohast KehatemperatuurKuidas kasutada Braun ThermoScani? Toote kirjeldusSoovitused temperatuuri mõõtmiseks MälureÏiimi kasutamine Hooldus ja puhastamine Temperatuuriskaalade vahetamineVeaotsing Veateade Probleem Lahendus Patareide vahetamineKalibreerimine Garantii Toote tehnilised parameetridÈÓ˜ÂÏÛ ËÁÏÂÂÌË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ ÛıÂ? ‡Í ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Braun ThermoScan?ÍÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡ Ú· ‡Í ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl ÚÂÏÓÏÂÚÓÏ Braun ThermoScan? ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË àÁ‰ÂÎËflÈÓ͇Á‡ÚÂÎË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚, ËÁÏÂÂÌÌÓÈ ‚ ÍÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡, ÍÓÚÓ‡fl Á‡ÒÚ‡‚ÎflÂÚ Á‡‰ÛχڸÒflÀÁÏÂÌÂÌË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛÌÓÈ ¯Í‡Î˚ ÊÂÊËÏ Ô‡ÏflÚËÌıÓ‰ Ë ˜ËÒÚ͇ ÇÂÚ ÍÓÎÔ‡˜Í‡ ‡‰Â̸Ú ÌÓ‚˚È, ˜ËÒÚ˚È ÌÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚÂÈËÓÓ·˘ÂÌË Ó·ÎÂχ ʯÂÌË Ó‚Â͇ ‡ÏÂ̇ ·‡Ú‡Âȇ‡ÌÚËfl ËÔˆËÙË͇ˆËË ËÁ‰ÂÎËflPage Page AcT e Ten Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page IRT Ten Page Page Page Page ± 0.14 ºC ± 0.26 ºF Page     Page IRT Braun ThermoScanDate of purchase Axillary Oral Rectal ThermoScan How to use Braun ThermoScan 34,7 C 37,3 C 94,5 99,1 «ThermoScan»? Kaip naudotis «Braun» termometru800 1200 1600 Parastie diapazoni pïc temperatras mïr¥‰anas vietasThermoScan termometru KÇ izmantot firmas Braun0800 1200 1600 ThermoScanni? Kuidas kasutada Braun36,6 C 38,0 C 97,9 100,4 ThermoScan 35,8 C 38,0 C 96,4 ÑˇԇÁÓÌ˚ ÌÓχθÌÓÈ ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚ ‚ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ˜‡ÒÚflı Ú·Braun ThermoScan? ‡Í ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl ÚÂÏÓÏÂÚÓÏRectal ThermoScan Oral Axillary Page Rectal ThermoScan Oral Axillary