Braun IRT4520 manual How to use Braun ThermoScan

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How to use Braun ThermoScan


To achieve accurate readings, make sure a new, clean lens filter is in place before each measurement.


IRT 4020: Push the «start» button.

IRT 4520: Push the «I/O» button.

Then wait for the ready signal beep and the ready symbol in the display.


Fit the probe snuggly into the ear canal, then push

the «start» button.


If the probe has been positioned securely into the ear canal during the complete measuring process, a long beep will signal the end of the measuring process. You can be assured to have taken an accurate temperature reading. The result is shown on the display.

If you take the temperature of another person, the «ExacTemp» light will be of help. It flashes during the measuring process as long as the probe is securely positioned, and lights up continuously when an accurate reading has been taken.

Image 74
Contents ThermoScan +7 495 258 62 IRT Why measure in the ear? How does Braun ThermoScan work?Body temperature Normal ranges by siteHow to use your Braun ThermoScan? Product descriptionTemperature taking hints Memory mode Changing the temperature scaleCare and cleaning Trouble-shooting Replacing the batteries CalibrationProduct specifications GuaranteeKaip veikia «Braun» termometras «ThermoScan»? Kodòl temperatrà reikòt˜ matuoti ausyje?no temperatra 35,8 38,0 C 96,4 100,4Gaminio apra‰ymas Kaip naudotis «Braun» termometru «ThermoScan»?Patarimai dòl temperatros matavimo Prietaiso atminties reÏimas Temperatros skalòs keitimas PrieÏira ir valymasGedim˜ paie‰ka ir ‰alinimas Klaidos Kas atsitiko Kà daryti Prane‰imas Kaip pakeisti elementusKalibravimas Techniniai gaminio duomenys Garantijap¥gi un uzman¥gi izlasiet lieto‰anas instrukciju KÇ Braun ThermoScan darbojas?KÇdï mïr¥t temperatru tie‰i aus¥? Uzman¥buParastie ThermoScan temperatras diapazoni pïc vecuma Μerme¿a temperatraParastais temperatras diapazons daÏÇdÇs ˙erme¿a vietÇs Ier¥ces apraksts KÇ izmantot Braun ThermoScan?Padomi temperatras rÇd¥jumu nolas¥‰anai Atmi¿as reÏ¥ms Temperatras skalas izmain¥‰ana Termometra kop‰ana un t¥r¥‰anadu meklï‰ana Zi¿ojums SituÇcija Par kdu Baterijas nomai¿aKalibrï‰ana Produkta specifikÇcija Vai FKuidas Braun ThermoScan töötab? Miks mõõta kõrva kaudu?Kehatemperatuur Normaalne temperatuurivahemik olenevalt mõõtekohastToote kirjeldus Kuidas kasutada Braun ThermoScani?Soovitused temperatuuri mõõtmiseks MälureÏiimi kasutamine Temperatuuriskaalade vahetamine Hooldus ja puhastamineVeaotsing Veateade Probleem Lahendus Patareide vahetamineKalibreerimine Toote tehnilised parameetrid Garantii‡Í ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Braun ThermoScan? ÈÓ˜ÂÏÛ ËÁÏÂÂÌË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ ÛıÂ?ÍÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡ Ú· ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË àÁ‰ÂÎËfl ‡Í ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl ÚÂÏÓÏÂÚÓÏ Braun ThermoScan?ÍÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡, ÍÓÚÓ‡fl Á‡ÒÚ‡‚ÎflÂÚ Á‡‰ÛχڸÒfl ÈÓ͇Á‡ÚÂÎË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚, ËÁÏÂÂÌÌÓÈ ‚ÊÂÊËÏ Ô‡ÏflÚË ÀÁÏÂÌÂÌË ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛÌÓÈ ¯Í‡Î˚ÌıÓ‰ Ë ˜ËÒÚ͇ ÇÂÚ ÍÓÎÔ‡˜Í‡ ‡‰Â̸Ú ÌÓ‚˚È, ˜ËÒÚ˚È ÌÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚÂÈËÓÓ·˘ÂÌË Ó·ÎÂχ ʯÂÌË ‡ÏÂ̇ ·‡Ú‡ÂÈ Ó‚Â͇ËÔˆËÙË͇ˆËË ËÁ‰ÂÎËfl ‡‡ÌÚËflPage Page AcT e Ten Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page IRT Ten Page Page Page Page ± 0.14 ºC ± 0.26 ºF Page     Page Braun ThermoScan IRTDate of purchase Axillary Oral Rectal ThermoScan How to use Braun ThermoScan 34,7 C 37,3 C 94,5 99,1 Kaip naudotis «Braun» termometru «ThermoScan»?Parastie diapazoni pïc temperatras mïr¥‰anas vietas 800 1200 1600KÇ izmantot firmas Braun ThermoScan termometru0800 1200 1600 Kuidas kasutada Braun ThermoScanni?ÑˇԇÁÓÌ˚ ÌÓχθÌÓÈ ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ˚ ‚ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ˜‡ÒÚflı Ú· 36,6 C 38,0 C 97,9 100,4 ThermoScan 35,8 C 38,0 C 96,4‡Í ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl ÚÂÏÓÏÂÚÓÏ Braun ThermoScan?Rectal ThermoScan Oral Axillary Page Rectal ThermoScan Oral Axillary