What is included in Release 1?
o6 Slot 2RU Chassis, up to 4 per stack
oChoice of 19” Rack, Wall, Floor, or Stand mounting options o Internal and External battery backup facilities
oDT300 Digital Multiline Terminals o DT700 SIP Multiline Terminals
o Standard SIP Terminals o IP DECT Terminals
o SP310 Soft Phone
o Standard Analogue extensions (LC) o Long Line Analogue extensions (OPX)
oPSTN with Caller ID support (COT) o Basic Rate ISDN (BRI)
o Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) o E&M Tie Lines (ODT) o SIP Trunks
o K‐CCIS Peer to Peer
oAutomated Attendant / VRS o VM8000 InMail
o UM8000 Mail (Unified Messaging) o Hotel / Motel
o Mobile Extension o ACD / MIS
o TAPI Compatibility
o PCPro ‐ PC Programming
o WebPro ‐ Browser Programming
Document No. SIB 244 | Page 3 of 52 | 1st July 2008 |
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