IBM Release 1.93 manual Freq, Lambda, Function, Hosts

Page 15


Syntax: FREQ <frequency in Hz>


Syntax: LAMBDA <wavelength in metres>


Specify the frequency or free-space wavelength of the excitation


sources (all will be the same). FREQ is an alternative to


LAMBDA—use one or the other, but not both.






FREQ 200*THz




FREQ c/(1.464*700*nm)

/* 700 nm in fused SiO2 */


LAMBDA 1.55*micron

/* Communication wavelength */


LAMBDA 6.328e-7

/* He-Ne laser */







Define a user math function. User functions can be anything REXX


can evaluate, plus elementary functions (sin, cos, tan, asin, acos,


atan, atan2, exp, ln), Bessel functions of the first kind of integer


order (Jn(x)), complete elliptic integrals, and a few other odds and


ends. Once defined, a user function can be used freely in


expressions anywhere a literal number or a variable could.


Functions may be defined in terms of variables, literals, or other


functions, subject to the file parsing rules. When optimization is


enabled, functions whose output values depend on variables being


optimized over will have their definitions updated on each iteration


to reflect the new values of these variables.


If the name of a formal parameter of the function is the same as


that of a user variable, the formal parameter will override the user


variable inside the function. Otherwise, any variables used by the


function will be taken from the global scope. This allows functions


to be parameterized by other variables, e.g. scale factors or offsets,


which are not in the formal parameter list.






FUNCTION name(arg1, arg2,..., argN) = <expression>






FUNCTION myfunc(a,x,q)=exp(a)*atan(q/x)*sqrt(23+q)


FUNCTION parab(x,y,focus)=(x*x+y*y)/(4*focus)


FUNCTION cone(x,y)=sqrt(parab(x,y,1)






Specifies a file containing TCP/IP information on the hosts available

to run the current simulation. Syntax: HOSTS <hostfile>

where entries in the given file are of the form


Image 15
Contents IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY Page IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY HOW Poems Works Using PoemsMotivation Chapter IntroductionPhilosophy Optimization StructurePage Poems system organization Program Organization Front-End Script poems.cmdScript Operation Postprocessor Empost Fdtd Engine FIDO/TEMPESTCluster Control Visualization System VIS5DParallel Processing Command Reference Poems Command-Line OptionsGlobal Group Hosts FreqLambda FunctionMacdef Which means that the host’s predefined hostname is not usedPrint MacroRandomseed SETSimulator Boundary World GroupTitle VerboseDefine Material GroupBasicstep Xrange YrangeParameters epsReal epsImag muReal muImag Object Group BlockFAN Grating HollowboxTiledplane Curve 3DCURVECylinder Source Group Output Group Command GroupWebpage Postprocess GroupField CADFarfield FluxIntegral Modematch ListMOVIE3D MovieSlice DissipationOptimize Group VariablesGuess Limit StorePenalty Merit Schedule Group ParametersRange Symmetry Computational DomainObjects Materials Perfectly-Matched LayersPlane Waves Page Beam Sources Merit Functions OptimizationPhase uniformity across a plane 10 Optimized V antenna refractive Worked Example Optimizing a V AntennaPage Worked Example Doped Silica Waveguide Mode Worked Example Glass Ridge Waveguide to Free Space CouplerPredefined Constants Confine Reserved NamesArithmetic Operators Predefined Mathematical FunctionsAcosh Logical OperatorsABS AcosElintk ATAN2Ceil COSMIN Integral20. LN MAXSign RandomROOT1D RoundAnalytical Pupil Functions Material Parameter FunctionsFlattop Tempest and General Fdtd Information Startup and Steady StateTime step Page Appendix A. V-Antenna Optimization Run Poems Input DIPOLE2I.PAR END Material END Object END World Subdomain ALLEND Command END SourceEND Output END Optimize END Postprocess Amplex PhaseexPage Page Page END Tempest Input File DIPOLE2I.PAR.IN Written by Phil Hobbs Pages of pointsource statements omitted DIPOLE2IEXQ Postprocessor orders DIPOLE2I.ORDERSALL DIPOLE2IEXIDIPOLE2IEZQ DIPOLE2IEYIDIPOLE2IEYQ DIPOLE2IEZIPOSTPROC.1.PARMSTRING MiddlefluxPOSTPROC.1.NAME Array AmplexFF2 DIPOLE2IPHASEEXArray POSTPROC.2.PARMSTRINGDIPOLE2IPZ DIPOLE2IPXPOSTPROC.6.NAME Array PoyntingzSlice Indexn POSTPROC.9.PARMSTRINGPOSTPROC.10.PARMSTRING POSTPROC.11.NAMEPOSTPROC.14.NAME Slice PoyntingzPOSTPROC.13.COMPARISONDOMAIN DIPOLE2IPZXY0.BMPSlice Amplex POSTPROC.16.COMPARISONDOMAINDIPOLE2IPXZX0.BMP POSTPROC.17.NAMEDIPOLE2IDISSZX0.BMP DIPOLE2IPHASEEXXY0.BMPDIPOLE2IPHASEEXZX0.BMP POSTPROC.20.COMPARISONDOMAINDIPOLE2IEXQZX0.BMP POSTPROC.24.COMPARISONDOMAINRun Results DIPOLE2I.SIMPLEX Page Page Page Page Page Tempest patches Fdtd and TempestTempest limitations Advice common to all or most Fdtd programsSample X11 Configuration Window System ConfigurationRunning Vis5D Release NotesWish list Beta Release Limitations Page Page Index Emdenormal EmunderflowMatlab Maxordersources 81 Maxpointsources