IBM Release 1.93 manual Window System Configuration, Sample X11 Configuration

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Big PMLs cost a great deal of memory and computation time, at least triple that required by ordinary materials. This is not improved by overwriting the PML blocks with other materials, so if you were considering filling all space with PML and writing other things over it, don’t. Have a look at the HOLLOWBOX and TILEDPLANE statements for alternatives.

Don’t use a wavelength that is an exact multiple of the cell size. This will often slow convergence.

Once FIDO/TEMPEST starts to page, it’s all over. FDTDs use all of their memory, over and over and over and over, so all of the data in the page file will be reloaded on every single time step. This will give your disc a healthy workout but will not get your simulation done. The postprocessor uses quite a bit more memory that FIDO/TEMPEST, but doesn’t loop through it many times, so it can page a good deal without running into speed trouble. On a very big simulation, the postprocessor may run out of virtual address space on a 32-bit machine. Improved memory utilization in the postprocessor is on the wish list.


Getting the REXX interpreter running is easier, because the installer does most of it for you. On OS/2, REXX is built in, so you should be in good shape from the start. poems.cmd is written in Classic REXX, so either of the OS/2 REXX interpreters (classic and Object REXX) will work fine, as will Regina REXX.

For Windows or Linux, you’ll need a copy of Open Object REXX or the open-source Regina REXX interpreter ( Both have installation programs, which makes life easy. NB: As of this writing (2/16/07) Open Object REXX does support 64-bit architectures, so the 32-bit equivalent should be used.

B.3. X Window System Configuration

In OS/2, getting Vis5D working is a bit of a parlour trick. If your video driver is supported by XFree86-OS/2, then that’s all you need. If not, then a combination of XFree86 and the (old and unsupported) PM/X service from TCP/IP 2.1. In this configuration, XFree86 supplies the libraries used by Vis5D, and PM/X supplies the actual X server.

In Windows, installing Hummingbird Exceed will do everything required, except for setting up the configuration parameters. In Linux, it should work right away.

B.3.1. Sample X11 Configuration

This is an excerpt from the CONFIG.SYS file on an OS/2 machine in my laboratory (called orthodox). In your TCP/IP configuration, be sure to enable the loopback interface ( If you want X to work properly when you’re not connected to the network, use the loopback interface name (usually localhost). Your TCP/IP hostname can be used instead, but if you do this, X will fail when your network connection goes down.

Your paths will probably be different, but that isn’t usually too hard to figure out.


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Contents IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY Page IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY HOW Poems Works Using PoemsMotivation Chapter IntroductionPhilosophy Optimization StructurePage Poems system organization Program Organization Front-End Script poems.cmdScript Operation Postprocessor Empost Fdtd Engine FIDO/TEMPESTCluster Control Visualization System VIS5DParallel Processing Command Reference Poems Command-Line OptionsGlobal Group Hosts FreqLambda FunctionMacdef Which means that the host’s predefined hostname is not usedPrint MacroRandomseed SETSimulator Boundary World GroupTitle VerboseDefine Material GroupBasicstep Xrange YrangeParameters epsReal epsImag muReal muImag Object Group BlockFAN Grating HollowboxTiledplane Curve 3DCURVECylinder Source Group Output Group Command GroupWebpage Postprocess GroupField CADFarfield FluxIntegral Modematch ListMOVIE3D MovieSlice DissipationOptimize Group VariablesGuess Limit StorePenalty Merit Schedule Group ParametersRange Symmetry Computational DomainObjects Materials Perfectly-Matched LayersPlane Waves Page Beam Sources Merit Functions OptimizationPhase uniformity across a plane 10 Optimized V antenna refractive Worked Example Optimizing a V AntennaPage Worked Example Doped Silica Waveguide Mode Worked Example Glass Ridge Waveguide to Free Space CouplerPredefined Constants Confine Reserved NamesArithmetic Operators Predefined Mathematical FunctionsAcosh Logical OperatorsABS AcosElintk ATAN2Ceil COSMIN Integral20. LN MAXSign RandomROOT1D RoundAnalytical Pupil Functions Material Parameter FunctionsFlattop Tempest and General Fdtd Information Startup and Steady StateTime step Page Appendix A. V-Antenna Optimization Run Poems Input DIPOLE2I.PAR END Material END Object END World Subdomain ALLEND Command END SourceEND Output END Optimize END Postprocess Amplex PhaseexPage Page Page END Tempest Input File DIPOLE2I.PAR.IN Written by Phil Hobbs Pages of pointsource statements omitted DIPOLE2IEXQ Postprocessor orders DIPOLE2I.ORDERSALL DIPOLE2IEXIDIPOLE2IEZQ DIPOLE2IEYIDIPOLE2IEYQ DIPOLE2IEZIPOSTPROC.1.PARMSTRING MiddlefluxPOSTPROC.1.NAME Array AmplexFF2 DIPOLE2IPHASEEXArray POSTPROC.2.PARMSTRINGDIPOLE2IPZ DIPOLE2IPXPOSTPROC.6.NAME Array PoyntingzSlice Indexn POSTPROC.9.PARMSTRINGPOSTPROC.10.PARMSTRING POSTPROC.11.NAMEPOSTPROC.14.NAME Slice PoyntingzPOSTPROC.13.COMPARISONDOMAIN DIPOLE2IPZXY0.BMPSlice Amplex POSTPROC.16.COMPARISONDOMAINDIPOLE2IPXZX0.BMP POSTPROC.17.NAMEDIPOLE2IDISSZX0.BMP DIPOLE2IPHASEEXXY0.BMPDIPOLE2IPHASEEXZX0.BMP POSTPROC.20.COMPARISONDOMAINDIPOLE2IEXQZX0.BMP POSTPROC.24.COMPARISONDOMAINRun Results DIPOLE2I.SIMPLEX Page Page Page Page Page Tempest patches Fdtd and TempestTempest limitations Advice common to all or most Fdtd programsSample X11 Configuration Window System ConfigurationRunning Vis5D Release NotesWish list Beta Release Limitations Page Page Index Emdenormal EmunderflowMatlab Maxordersources 81 Maxpointsources