IBM Release 1.93 manual Worked Example Doped Silica Waveguide Mode, Predefined Constants

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3.6.3. Worked Example: Doped Silica Waveguide Mode

In simulating waveguide devices, the first requirement is to have a source that produces a pure waveguide mode. Sometimes a Gaussian beam is sufficient, but often it is not, especially when small reflections or phase shifts are important. Analytical solutions are not often available for the modes of real dielectric guides, so a numerical procedure is of more general use. A good one is to illuminate a long section of model waveguide with some approximate mode, and let the leaky components lose themselves. In this example, we build a 60-µm long doped silica core guide with a 5-µm square core and an index difference of 0.02. Absorbing material with the same index as the core lines the edges of th region, to suck up the leaky field. In this simulation, we take advantage of the unidirectional character of the plane wave sources to gain double the propagation distance: we let the wave bounce off the far end of the guide and return through the source plane. We take a modefile output just behind the source plane, where the wave has had 110 µm or so to be purified. If desired, the treatment can be repeated by running this source through the region again.

Figure 2.15: 60-µm long doped silica waveguide, excited with a circular Gaussian beam of diameter equal to its core width. A black glass region is at each end (waveguide1c.par).

3.6.4. Worked Example: Glass Ridge Waveguide to Free Space Coupler

3.7. Predefined Constants

The following constants and units are predefined for convenience. SI units are used throughout. These names are reserved and cannot be redefined.









































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Contents IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY Page IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY HOW Poems Works Using PoemsMotivation Chapter IntroductionPhilosophy Optimization StructurePage Poems system organization Program Organization Front-End Script poems.cmdScript Operation Postprocessor Empost Fdtd Engine FIDO/TEMPESTCluster Control Visualization System VIS5DParallel Processing Command Reference Poems Command-Line OptionsGlobal Group Lambda FreqFunction HostsMacdef Which means that the host’s predefined hostname is not usedPrint MacroRandomseed SETSimulator Title World GroupVerbose BoundaryBasicstep Material GroupXrange Yrange DefineParameters epsReal epsImag muReal muImag Object Group BlockFAN Grating HollowboxTiledplane Curve 3DCURVECylinder Source Group Output Group Command GroupField Postprocess GroupCAD WebpageFarfield FluxIntegral Modematch ListMOVIE3D MovieSlice DissipationOptimize Group VariablesGuess Limit StorePenalty Merit Schedule Group ParametersRange Symmetry Computational DomainObjects Materials Perfectly-Matched LayersPlane Waves Page Beam Sources Merit Functions OptimizationPhase uniformity across a plane 10 Optimized V antenna refractive Worked Example Optimizing a V AntennaPage Worked Example Doped Silica Waveguide Mode Worked Example Glass Ridge Waveguide to Free Space CouplerPredefined Constants Confine Reserved NamesArithmetic Operators Predefined Mathematical FunctionsABS Logical OperatorsAcos AcoshCeil ATAN2COS Elintk20. LN IntegralMAX MINROOT1D RandomRound SignAnalytical Pupil Functions Material Parameter FunctionsFlattop Tempest and General Fdtd Information Startup and Steady StateTime step Page Appendix A. V-Antenna Optimization Run Poems Input DIPOLE2I.PAR END Material END Object END World Subdomain ALLEND Command END SourceEND Output END Optimize END Postprocess Amplex PhaseexPage Page Page END Tempest Input File DIPOLE2I.PAR.IN Written by Phil Hobbs Pages of pointsource statements omitted ALL Postprocessor orders DIPOLE2I.ORDERSDIPOLE2IEXI DIPOLE2IEXQDIPOLE2IEYQ DIPOLE2IEYIDIPOLE2IEZI DIPOLE2IEZQPOSTPROC.1.NAME MiddlefluxArray Amplex POSTPROC.1.PARMSTRINGArray DIPOLE2IPHASEEXPOSTPROC.2.PARMSTRING FF2POSTPROC.6.NAME DIPOLE2IPXArray Poyntingz DIPOLE2IPZPOSTPROC.10.PARMSTRING POSTPROC.9.PARMSTRINGPOSTPROC.11.NAME Slice IndexnPOSTPROC.13.COMPARISONDOMAIN Slice PoyntingzDIPOLE2IPZXY0.BMP POSTPROC.14.NAMEDIPOLE2IPXZX0.BMP POSTPROC.16.COMPARISONDOMAINPOSTPROC.17.NAME Slice AmplexDIPOLE2IPHASEEXZX0.BMP DIPOLE2IPHASEEXXY0.BMPPOSTPROC.20.COMPARISONDOMAIN DIPOLE2IDISSZX0.BMPDIPOLE2IEXQZX0.BMP POSTPROC.24.COMPARISONDOMAINRun Results DIPOLE2I.SIMPLEX Page Page Page Page Page Tempest patches Fdtd and TempestTempest limitations Advice common to all or most Fdtd programsSample X11 Configuration Window System ConfigurationRunning Vis5D Release NotesWish list Beta Release Limitations Page Page Index Emdenormal EmunderflowMatlab Maxordersources 81 Maxpointsources