Technicolor - Thomson TG787 Viewing Telephony Statistics, Accessing the Telephony Statistics

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4 Getting the Most Out of Your Thomson Gateway

4.2.3Viewing Telephony Statistics


The Telephony Statistics page on the Thomson Gateway Web Interface lists:

Successful incoming calls.

Missed incoming calls.

Successful outgoing calls.

Failed outgoing calls.

Accessing the Telephony Statistics page

Proceed as follows:

1Browse to the Thomson Gateway Web Interface.

2On the Toolbox menu, click Telephony.

3The Address Book page appears.

Call Statistics

The Call Statistics page shows you the number of:

Successful incoming calls.

Missed incoming calls.

Successful outgoing calls.

Failed outgoing calls.

for each phones separately and combined.

E-DOC-CTC-20080118-0051 v2.0



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Contents Setup and User Guide Page Thomson TG787 Trademarks Contents Universal Plug and Play Configuring WEP Encryption Configuring WPA-PSK EncryptionTypographical Conventions About this Setup and User GuideUsed Symbols Terminology Documentation and software updatesAbout this Setup and User Guide Introduction InstallationInternet connection details DSL servicePreliminary Steps Computer requirementsPlacing your Thomson Gateway PossibilitiesWall mount Manual Installation Installing your Thomson GatewayInstallation methods Guided InstallationStarting the wizard Guided InstallationConnecting devices wait Case of problemsCD menu Click Setup my Thomson Gateway Manual InstallationProcedure Configure the Thomson GatewayInstallation This chapter Thomson Gateway BasicsStatus LEDs Power LEDWireless/WLAN LED Thomson Gateway LED BehaviourEthernet LED Ethernet port Broadband/DSL LEDInternet LED Phone/Voice LEDAccessing the Thomson Gateway Web Interface Thomson Gateway Web InterfaceRequirements Components MenuLanguage Bar Tasks Content paneNavigation Bar Notification AreaBacking Up/Restoring your Configuration Backing up your configurationRestoring your configuration Thomson Gateway Basics Adding New Devices to your Network Adding a Computer to your Network Forgot your wireless settings? Connecting a computer using WirelessWhere can I find the SSID? Where can I find the encryption?Connecting a computer using Ethernet Adding a Phone to your Network After the InstallationEmergency calls Connecting Phones to the Thomson GatewaySelect Service Enabled Configuring your Thomson GatewayEnable the Telephony Service Configure the Telephony ServiceVerifying Telephone Connectivity Pick a task list, click Use multiple identities Multiple IdentitiesAdding New Devices to your Network Getting the Most Out of Your Thomson Gateway Feature availabilitySharing Content on your Network What do I need?Connect your USB storage device to the Thomson Gateway Configure Content Sharing on the Thomson Gateway Workgroup Setting Up the File ServerOn the Tools menu, click Content Sharing Server DescriptionOpen Windows Explorer How to access the shared content on WindowsHow to access the shared content on Mac Managing your Shared Content Managed PartitionResult Thomson UPnP AV Server Using UPnP AV to Share Content with Media DevicesEnable UPnP AV on the Thomson Gateway Under UPnP AV Media Server, click Server EnabledAccessing your Shared Content by FTP Configure FTP access for your shared contentUnder FTP Server, click Server Enabled Additional configuration Contents Telephony FeaturesManaging contacts Accessing the Address Book page?Using the Address book Address BookPick a task list, click View Telephony Services Telephony servicesChecking which services that you can use? Activating servicesActivating services on the web pages Using switching order commandsCall Forwarding To retrieve the call on hold when there is No active call During 3 pty retrieve B and C Accessing the Telephony Statistics Viewing Telephony StatisticsCall Statistics Universal Plug and Play Supported Operating SystemsUPnP and the Thomson Gateway Go to My Network Places Accessing Your Thomson Gateway with UPnPWindows Vista Windows XPManaging your Internet connection with UPnP On the Windows Start menu, click Settings Control PanelDisabling this feature Enabling Extended Security Configuring UPnP on the Thomson GatewayEnable/Disable UPnP Extended SecurityInstalling UPnP on Windows XP Start menu, click Settings Control PanelAdding UPnP Adding IGD Discovery and Control Assigning a service HTTP, FTP,... to a computer ProblemSolution Assign a game or application to a local networking device UPnPWhat you need Dynamic DNSGetting the Most Out of Your Thomson Gateway Methods Wireless SecurityConfiguring the wireless encryption EncryptionEncryption methods Select Use WEP Encryption Configuring WEP EncryptionSelect Use WPA-PSK Encryption Configuring WPA-PSK EncryptionAccess Control Search for wireless devices task Pick a task list, click Search for wireless devicesNew stations are not allowed Registering Clients via the Association Button Security Under Home Network, click WirelessDisabling Ssid Broadcast What does this mean?Overview Internet SecurityPick a task list, click Create a new Security Level FirewallChanging the security level Creating a new security levelStrategies Enable Web site filtering and specify a default actionConfigure the exceptions Web site FilteringUse cases Denying access to a specific Web siteAllowing access to a specific Web site Redirecting a Web site Redirecting all Web sites Click Redirect in the Action listClick Allow in the Action list Internet Security Topics TroubleshootingSetup wizard Troubleshooting Setup CD does not start automaticallyYour Thomson Gateway has not been found Poor Thomson Gateway performance General Thomson Gateway TroubleshootingThomson Gateway does not work Thomson Gateway unreachableLAN LED does not light up Wired Connection TroubleshootingPoor Wireless Connectivity or Range Wireless Connection TroubleshootingNot Able to Connect Wireless Clients No Wireless ConnectivityCalling over Pstn Voice over IP TroubleshootingProblems with Supplementary Services Calling over VoIPReset to Factory Defaults Resetting your Thomson GatewaySoftware Reset Hardware Reset Page Thomson Telecom Belgium