Recording, changing or deleting the greeting message
For your outgoing greeting message (OGM), you can either use the pre- recorded greeting or you can record your own message. If you do not record a message, the standard greeting will be used automatically.
Before recording your greeting, you should write down the text that you want to record. The length of your own greeting must be at least 5 seconds and must not exceed 5 minutes. The longer your greeting lasts, the less recording time will be available for incoming messages. The maximum recording time is 50 minutes less the length of the Greeting Message.
Example of a greeting message: “Hello this is Simon. I am sorry but we are not available to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone.”
Recording your own greeting
Set the switch on the rear of the machine to ANS. Press and hold down the REC button.
start your greeting directly after you hear a tone. The display will show A1 during the recording. While recording, keep 15 cm from the answering system so that you can speak into the microphone on the upper side.
Release the REC button after you have finish your greeting. The greeting will now be repeated. The playback volume can be adjusted by repeatedly pressing the UP VOLUME and DOWN VOLUME buttons. You can play back your greeting at any time by briefly pressing the REC button.