43-732.fm Page 23 Friday, August 13, 1999 1:42 PM
The TAD-732 is ready to answer and record calls with the prerecorded outgo- ing message as soon as you connect it to AC power. To record your own outgo- ing message, see “Recording an Outgo- ing Message.”
To turn off the TAD so it does not an- swer calls, press ANSWER on the base, or press REMOTE, CHANGE () then AN- SWER ( ) on the handset. The TAD an- nounces “Answer off” and the message counter display clears.
The TAD-732 has a general message center and two user mailboxes. It is pre- set to record messages in the message center, but a caller can record a mes- sage for mailbox 1 by pressing then 1, or for mailbox 2 by pressing then 2 af- ter the outgoing message plays over within 6 seconds. If the caller presses then 1 or 2 after the outgoing message plays over for more than 6 seconds, the TAD-732 records message into both message center and the selected mail- box.
Be sure your outgoing message tells the caller how to record a message for the desired mailbox.
To turn on the TAD, press ANSWER on the base, or press REMOTE, CHANGE () then ANSWER ( ) on the handset. The TAD announces “Answer on” and the message counter shows the number of recorded messages.
Note: When you turn on/off the TAD with the handset, you must press RE- MOTE again after the handset announc- es “Answer on” or “Answer off” so the message counter shows the answer on/ off status.
The TAD-732’s prerecorded outgoing message says, “Hello, please leave a message after the tone.” You can also record your own outgoing message up to 60 seconds long for the caller to hear when the TAD answers a call.
Hint: Do not tell callers that you are not home. Instead, say that you cannot come to the phone right now.
•If you set the TAD to announce-only, be sure to state that the caller can- not leave a message.