For example:
“You have reached the Jones residence. We are unable to come to the phone right now, but you may press: 1 to leave a message for John, 2 to leave a message for Mary, 3 to leave a message for Susan, 4 to leave a message for Paul, or just wait for the beep, then leave your mes- sage.”
If you are recording an announce- ment for a business, you might use:
“Hello! You have reached XYZ Company. To leave a mes- sage for our Sales Depart- ment, press 1; for Manufac- turing, press 2; for Customer Service, press 3; for Delivery, press 4. Or, you can leave a message after the beep.”
Follow these steps to record your out- going announcement.
1.Press and hold OGM (outgoing message) until the answer indica- tor starts flashing.
2.Release OGM and record your announcement. Speak into the TAD from about 12 inches away.
Note: The outgoing message must be at least 2 seconds long for proper remote operation.
3.When you finish speaking, press ON/OFF. The TAD beeps and plays the announcement. The answer indicator stops flashing.
After the announcement plays, the TAD is ready to answer and record in- coming messages.
Checking the Outgoing Announcement
You can press OGM at any time to play the announcement. Adjust VOLUME on the side of the TAD to a comfortable listening level.
To stop listening to the outgoing an- nouncement before it ends, press ON/ OFF.
To delete the outgoing announcement, press PGM/DEL while the TAD is play- ing it. The display shows dL (delete).