No dial tone
1.Check that all phone cord connections (including the curly cord) and AC adapter are security plugged into the telephone and wall jack.
2.Check that the phone is in the correct dialing mode: tone or pulse (page 23).
3.Plug another phone into the wall jack to make sure your phone service is working.
No audible ringer
1.Make sure the ringer is not turned off (pages
2.Check the volume level of the ringer (pages
3.Verify the AC adapter is securely plugged into the AC outlet and telephone.
4.You may have too many extensions on your line. Try unplugging a few a devices.
No Strobe ringer and/or bed shaker will not activate
1.Make sure the strobe and/shaker switch is turned ON (page 17).
2.Make sure the bed shaker is plugged into the correct jack (page 17).
3.Make sure the bed shaker is plugged in all the way.
No amplification
1.Check to see if the Amplify button is ON. The red light should be lit (pages
2.The AC adapter is required; make sure the AC adapter is plugged into the wall and into appropriate jack on the phone.
Low handset or speaker volume
1.Check the receiver or speaker volume settings.