A9 Diagnostic Tree (A/M Subsection 4) Mon Signal Test
Any TCO Option: This procedure is deleted. J4 80-MHz Signal Test
Any TCO Option: This procedure is deleted.
Any TCO Option: The following procedure is added: A9-to-Chassis TCO Option signal Interconnect Test
If one or more of the four
1Remove instrument power.
2Carefully remove the five (or six for a differential framed output) telecomm signal SMB cable connectors (Note their locations first.) from J6, J7, J8, (J9 - used only for options 104, 105, 220, 221, and 222), J10, and J11 on A9.
3Verify continuity and rule out
4Reconnect the verified cables and connectors.
QUESTION: Are any of the five
If Yes: Replace the cable assembly as required and retest.
If No: Reapply instrument power, retest A9 TCO input/outputs, and replace A9 if any TCO signal output fault persists.