T S - 6 0 0 U S E R G U I D E
Reset to Factory Defaults
If the basic reset cannot return the phone to the normal operating condition, you must restore to factory defaults. All information stored in memory will be erased.
1.Disconnect the power cord from the phone.
2.Wait for 10 seconds.
3. Press and hold D E L ET E and S when reconnecting the power cord to the phone.
4. When firmware version number is displayed, release the buttons.
•Verify that your power adapter is properly connected.
•If you are using the power cord adapter, verify that it is properly connected and that you are using the long phone cord provided with your phone.
•Verify that the ringer is not turned off. Press the VOLUME UP button while the phone is idle to turn the ringer on.
•Verify that the line cord is properly connected and that dial tone is present when going
•Verify that the TalkSwitch is properly programmed for your extension’s call handling.
•Verify that Do Not Disturb is disabled for your extension.
•Verify that the line cord is properly connected.
•Try with a different line cord.
•Test the telephone in a different jack. If it works, then the jack may be defective or the TalkSwitch may be wired incorrectly.
•Check Caller ID subscription. In order to receive Caller ID for external calls, you must be subscribed to the Caller ID service from your telephone service provider.
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